Title: Cornell's Companion Atlas to Cornell's High School Geography: Comprising a Complete Set of...
Title: Cram's Unrivaled Atlas of the World, Indexed Author: Cram, [George F.] Place: Chicago...
Title: Cram's Unrivaled Family Atlas of the World Author: Cram, George F. Place: Chicago Publisher...
Title: A System of Modern Geography, Designed for the Use of Schools and Academies... Author...
Title: Mitchell's School Atlas... Author: ** Place: Philadelphia Publisher: Thomas, Cowperthwait...
Title: Mitchell's School Atlas Author: ** Place: Philadelphia Publisher: Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co...
Title: Olney's School Atlas Author: ** Place: New York Publisher: Pratt, Woodford & Co. Date: [1844...
Title: Smith's New Geography...for the Use of Common Schools in the United States and Canada Author...
Title: E. von Sydow's Schul-Atlas Author: Von Sydow, E. Place: Gotha Publisher: Justus Perthes Date...
Title: Positions of the Upper and Lower Gold Mines on the South Fork of the American River...
Title: Map of Upper California by the U.S. Ex. Ex. and Best Authorities Author: U.S. Exploring...
Title: Map showing the different routes travelled over by the Detachments of the overland Command in...
Title: Johnson's New Military Map of the United States Showing the Forts, Military Posts & All the...
Title: Sectional Map of Colfax and Mora Counties, New Mexico, Compiled from the Original Plats in...
Title: Map of the State of New York Compiled from the Latest Authorities Author: Thomas...
Title: Geographical, Statistical and Historical Map of North America Author: [Carey & Lea] Place...
Title: Colton's New York City, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken Etc. Author: Colton, G[eorge...
Title: Western Territories of the United States Author: Robinson, D. E. Place: Connecticut...
Title: Map of the State of Missouri Author: Thomas, Cowperthwait Place: Philadelphia Publisher...
Title: Preliminary Chart of Monterey Bay, California from a Trigonometrical Survey...of the Coast of...
Title: Parts of Central and Western Arizona, Atlas Sheet No. 75 Author: U.S. Wheeler Surveys Place...
Title: The Basin of the Pacific Author: Wyld, James Place: London Publisher: Date: No date...
Title: Lot of four volumes on maps published in America Author: ** Place: Various places Publisher...
Title: Lot of four volumes on the mapping of North and South America Author: ** Place: Various...
Title: Lot of four volumes on the cartography of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Author...
Title: The Mapping of North America: A list of printed maps, 1511-1670 Author: Burden, Philip D...
Title: Lot of five volumes on charts, maps, and navigation Author: ** Place: Various places...
Title: The Exploration of North America, 1630-1776 Author: Cumming, W.P., et al. Place: New York...
Title: The Northeast Passage from the Vikings to Nordenskiöld Author: Ericsson, Christoffer H., et...
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