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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 70/ 582

70 582 Photography Eder J M

Auction 21.05.2019
21.05.2019 - 24.05.2019
100 € - 150 €
ca. 111 $ - 167 $
100 €
ca. 111 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 70/ 582

70 582 Photography Eder J M

Auction 21.05.2019
21.05.2019 - 24.05.2019
100 € - 150 €
ca. 111 $ - 167 $
100 €
ca. 111 $

70 582 Photography Eder J M [Photography]. Eder, J.M. La Photographie Instantanée. Son application aux arts et aux sciences. French transl. from the 2nd German ed. O. Campo. Paris, Gauthiers-Villars et Fils, 1888, XIV,221p., mounted collotype frontisp., 197 ills., contemp. gilt hmor., 4to. - Yellowed. Binding rubbed along extremities. = Translation of (one of the parts of?) Eder's important Ausführliches Handbuch der Photographie published in the same decennium. Vidal, L. Traité pratique de Photographie au Charbon, complété par la description de divers procédés d'impressions inaltérables: photochromie et tirages photomécaniques. Ibid., Gauthiers-Villars, 1877, 3rd ed., VIII,132,(4 publ. cat.)p., col. photomechanical frontisp. and 2 plates, textills., orig. wr. - Sl. foxed. Wrapper dam.; backwr. loose. La Photographie Française. Revue mensuelle illustrée en noire et en couleurs. Treizième/ Quatorzième Année 1901/ 1902. Puteaux, Prieur & Dubois & Cie., 1902/ 1903, 4 parts in 2 vols., num. (col.) plates and ills., contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. 2 mor. letterpieces, 4to. - Vol. 1 bookblock sl. shaken. Bindings worn along extremities; vol. 1 sm. tear at top of upper joint. AND 2 others: BULLETIN No. 1 and No. 2 of year 32 publ. by the Association Belge de Photographie (Brussels, 1905, orig. (dam.) wr., 4to).

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 70/ 582
21.05.2019 - 24.05.2019
Bubb Kuyper Veilingen
Kenaupark 30
2011 MT Haarlem

70 582 Photography Eder J M [Photography]. Eder, J.M. La Photographie Instantanée. Son application aux arts et aux sciences. French transl. from the 2nd German ed. O. Campo. Paris, Gauthiers-Villars et Fils, 1888, XIV,221p., mounted collotype frontisp., 197 ills., contemp. gilt hmor., 4to. - Yellowed. Binding rubbed along extremities. = Translation of (one of the parts of?) Eder's important Ausführliches Handbuch der Photographie published in the same decennium. Vidal, L. Traité pratique de Photographie au Charbon, complété par la description de divers procédés d'impressions inaltérables: photochromie et tirages photomécaniques. Ibid., Gauthiers-Villars, 1877, 3rd ed., VIII,132,(4 publ. cat.)p., col. photomechanical frontisp. and 2 plates, textills., orig. wr. - Sl. foxed. Wrapper dam.; backwr. loose. La Photographie Française. Revue mensuelle illustrée en noire et en couleurs. Treizième/ Quatorzième Année 1901/ 1902. Puteaux, Prieur & Dubois & Cie., 1902/ 1903, 4 parts in 2 vols., num. (col.) plates and ills., contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. 2 mor. letterpieces, 4to. - Vol. 1 bookblock sl. shaken. Bindings worn along extremities; vol. 1 sm. tear at top of upper joint. AND 2 others: BULLETIN No. 1 and No. 2 of year 32 publ. by the Association Belge de Photographie (Brussels, 1905, orig. (dam.) wr., 4to).

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 70/ 582
21.05.2019 - 24.05.2019
Bubb Kuyper Veilingen
Kenaupark 30
2011 MT Haarlem
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