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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 413

ADAMS, John (1735-1826), President . A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America . London: Charles Dilly, 1787. Volume I only (of 3). Sabin 233, Howes A-60.

Auction 14.06.2006
2.500 $ - 3.500 $
14.400 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 413

ADAMS, John (1735-1826), President . A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America . London: Charles Dilly, 1787. Volume I only (of 3). Sabin 233, Howes A-60.

Auction 14.06.2006
2.500 $ - 3.500 $
14.400 $

ADAMS, John (1735-1826), President . A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America . London: Charles Dilly, 1787. Volume I only (of 3). Sabin 233, Howes A-60. 8 o (21 x 12.1 cm.), modern calf binding, spine stamped in gilt, slight foxing throughout DAVID RITTENHOUSE'S COPY OF ADAMS'S FAMOUS POLITICAL TREATISE, SIGNED ON THE FRONT FLYLEAF, "D. RITTENHOUSE." Adams, anxiously watching the Constitution-building underway back home, rushes this work into print in order to shape the debates. He made sure to send copies to Jefferson, Rittenhouse and other prominent figures. "It appeared to me," he told a friend, "that my countrymen were running wild and into danger from a too ardent and inconsiderate pursuit of erroneous principles of government" (quoted in Page Smith, John Adams , 2:691). The second most famous scientist in America after Benjamin Franklin Rittenhouse was also actively engaged in public service. He was a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania from 1779 to his death in 1796. President Washington asked him to serve on the committee that helped create the first Bank of the United States, and in 1792 he made Rittenhouse the first director of the U. S. Mint. Fittingly, he succeeded Franklin as president of the American Philosophical Society in 1791.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 413
14 June 2006, New York, Rockefeller Center

ADAMS, John (1735-1826), President . A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America . London: Charles Dilly, 1787. Volume I only (of 3). Sabin 233, Howes A-60. 8 o (21 x 12.1 cm.), modern calf binding, spine stamped in gilt, slight foxing throughout DAVID RITTENHOUSE'S COPY OF ADAMS'S FAMOUS POLITICAL TREATISE, SIGNED ON THE FRONT FLYLEAF, "D. RITTENHOUSE." Adams, anxiously watching the Constitution-building underway back home, rushes this work into print in order to shape the debates. He made sure to send copies to Jefferson, Rittenhouse and other prominent figures. "It appeared to me," he told a friend, "that my countrymen were running wild and into danger from a too ardent and inconsiderate pursuit of erroneous principles of government" (quoted in Page Smith, John Adams , 2:691). The second most famous scientist in America after Benjamin Franklin Rittenhouse was also actively engaged in public service. He was a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania from 1779 to his death in 1796. President Washington asked him to serve on the committee that helped create the first Bank of the United States, and in 1792 he made Rittenhouse the first director of the U. S. Mint. Fittingly, he succeeded Franklin as president of the American Philosophical Society in 1791.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 413
14 June 2006, New York, Rockefeller Center
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