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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 211

BARNUM, Phineas Taylor, showman . ALS ("P.T. Barnum") to S.H. Wales Esq., Bridgeport, 12 August 1869. 1 page, 8 o, (5 x 8 in.) on initialed stationery. BARNUM USES HIS INFLUENCE WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TO KEEP HIS SON-IN-LAW EMPLOYED. "My son in la...

Auction 22.05.2000
1.000 $ - 1.500 $
822 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 211

BARNUM, Phineas Taylor, showman . ALS ("P.T. Barnum") to S.H. Wales Esq., Bridgeport, 12 August 1869. 1 page, 8 o, (5 x 8 in.) on initialed stationery. BARNUM USES HIS INFLUENCE WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TO KEEP HIS SON-IN-LAW EMPLOYED. "My son in la...

Auction 22.05.2000
1.000 $ - 1.500 $
822 $

BARNUM, Phineas Taylor, showman . ALS ("P.T. Barnum") to S.H. Wales Esq., Bridgeport, 12 August 1869. 1 page, 8 o, (5 x 8 in.) on initialed stationery. BARNUM USES HIS INFLUENCE WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TO KEEP HIS SON-IN-LAW EMPLOYED. "My son in law D.W. Thompson was discharged from the Custom House yesterday. Ever since the Republican Party has had an existence I have contributed liberally for its support and the only favor I have asked from the present administration was the retention of Mr. Thompson. I cannot but think he has been discharged through a mistake or misrepresentation. He contributed to Gen'l Grants election and votes the Republican ticket."

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 211
New York, East

BARNUM, Phineas Taylor, showman . ALS ("P.T. Barnum") to S.H. Wales Esq., Bridgeport, 12 August 1869. 1 page, 8 o, (5 x 8 in.) on initialed stationery. BARNUM USES HIS INFLUENCE WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TO KEEP HIS SON-IN-LAW EMPLOYED. "My son in law D.W. Thompson was discharged from the Custom House yesterday. Ever since the Republican Party has had an existence I have contributed liberally for its support and the only favor I have asked from the present administration was the retention of Mr. Thompson. I cannot but think he has been discharged through a mistake or misrepresentation. He contributed to Gen'l Grants election and votes the Republican ticket."

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 211
New York, East
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