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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 467

Bartholomeo dal Sarasin, Recollecto ... de cirugia

1.200 €
ca. 1.286 $
5.500 €
ca. 5.894 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 467

Bartholomeo dal Sarasin, Recollecto ... de cirugia

1.200 €
ca. 1.286 $
5.500 €
ca. 5.894 $

Bartholomeo dal Sarasin. Recollecto et lucidario de cirugia con le auctoritade e sententie de Avicena e Galieno e Aliabatte e Rasis con molti pronostoci de Ipocrate et de molti altri antiqui e moderni chiaritte tutte vulgare. (Venedig, Niccolò & Domenico dal Gesù, 1513). 4to (30:20,5 cm). Mit großer Holzschnitt-Druckermarke und zahlreichen Holzschnitt-Initialen. 4 nn., 87 (statt 88) röm. num. Bll. Modern in eine Einbanddecke d. 16. Jh. (?) aus rotem Maroquin auf Holzdeckeln eingehängt, diese den Buchblock dreiseitig ca. 3 cm überragend (Remboîtage); mit Rückenverg. u. goldgepr. Rückentitel, Deckelfileten, Eckfleurons und Deckelvignetten (bekrönter Ziegenbock); wasserfleckig, etwas berieben und wurmstichig. Spiegel mit faksim.(?) Holzschnitten bezogen.
First and only edition of this rare treatise in Venetian dialect on injuries and their treatment. With large woodcut printer's mark and numerous woodcut initials. - Some browning and staining, stronger in places; erased stamp and inscriptions in ink to title; little worming and reinforced margins to last leaves 86-87. Some old marginalia and underscoring in ink. The lacking last leaf replaced by an excellent facsimile. Recent remboîtage in 16th cent. (?) red morocco over wooden boards, gilt, protruding the text block on three sides by 3 cm each. Some waterstaining and worming, little rubbing in places. Used as paste-downs are 2 full-page illustrations (probably facimiles or later impressions) taken from the second illustrated edition of the Divina commedia by Dante (Brescia 1487). Some marginal browning, the rear paste-down with some old handwriting in ink verso and few small holes from ink corrosion.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 467
Reiss & Sohn OHG
Adelheidstr. 2
61462 Königstein
+49 (0)6174 92720
+49 (0)6174 927249

Bartholomeo dal Sarasin. Recollecto et lucidario de cirugia con le auctoritade e sententie de Avicena e Galieno e Aliabatte e Rasis con molti pronostoci de Ipocrate et de molti altri antiqui e moderni chiaritte tutte vulgare. (Venedig, Niccolò & Domenico dal Gesù, 1513). 4to (30:20,5 cm). Mit großer Holzschnitt-Druckermarke und zahlreichen Holzschnitt-Initialen. 4 nn., 87 (statt 88) röm. num. Bll. Modern in eine Einbanddecke d. 16. Jh. (?) aus rotem Maroquin auf Holzdeckeln eingehängt, diese den Buchblock dreiseitig ca. 3 cm überragend (Remboîtage); mit Rückenverg. u. goldgepr. Rückentitel, Deckelfileten, Eckfleurons und Deckelvignetten (bekrönter Ziegenbock); wasserfleckig, etwas berieben und wurmstichig. Spiegel mit faksim.(?) Holzschnitten bezogen.
First and only edition of this rare treatise in Venetian dialect on injuries and their treatment. With large woodcut printer's mark and numerous woodcut initials. - Some browning and staining, stronger in places; erased stamp and inscriptions in ink to title; little worming and reinforced margins to last leaves 86-87. Some old marginalia and underscoring in ink. The lacking last leaf replaced by an excellent facsimile. Recent remboîtage in 16th cent. (?) red morocco over wooden boards, gilt, protruding the text block on three sides by 3 cm each. Some waterstaining and worming, little rubbing in places. Used as paste-downs are 2 full-page illustrations (probably facimiles or later impressions) taken from the second illustrated edition of the Divina commedia by Dante (Brescia 1487). Some marginal browning, the rear paste-down with some old handwriting in ink verso and few small holes from ink corrosion.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 467
Reiss & Sohn OHG
Adelheidstr. 2
61462 Königstein
+49 (0)6174 92720
+49 (0)6174 927249
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