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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 53

CARDANO, Girolamo (1501-1576). Artis magnae, sive de regulis algebraicis, Lib. unus . Nuremberg: Johann Petreius, 1545.

Auction 18.03.1998
7.000 $ - 10.000 $
48.300 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 53

CARDANO, Girolamo (1501-1576). Artis magnae, sive de regulis algebraicis, Lib. unus . Nuremberg: Johann Petreius, 1545.

Auction 18.03.1998
7.000 $ - 10.000 $
48.300 $

CARDANO, Girolamo (1501-1576). Artis magnae, sive de regulis algebraicis, Lib. unus . Nuremberg: Johann Petreius, 1545. 2 o (306 x 195 mm). Collation: A-T 4 V 6. 82 leaves, foliated. Roman type. Woodcut portrait of the author on title, numerous woodcut diagrams in text. (Some minor pale spotting and light browning to text.) Contemporary limp vellum, overlapping edges; morocco folding case. FIRST EDITION OF CARDANO'S GREATEST WORK IN MATHEMATICS. His Ars Magna presented many new ideas in Algebra, including the famous method obtained from Niccol Tartaglia, and published without his consent, for solving third-degree equations. It also introduces what came to be known "Cardano's rule," for solving reduced third-degree equations. "Notable also was Cardano's research into approximate solutions of a numerical equation by the method of proportional parts and the observation that, with repeated operations, one could obtain roots always closer to the true ones. Before Cardano, only the solution of an equation was sought. Cardano, however, also observed the relations between the roots and the coefficients of the equation and between the succession of the signs of the terms and the signs of the roots; thus he is justly considered the originator of the theory of algebraic equations" (DSB). Adams C-651; BM/STC German p. 182; Dibner Heralds of Science 103; Norman 400. [ Bound after :] FINE, Oronce (1494-1555). Quadratura Circuli -De circuli mensura, & ratione circumferentiae ad diametrum -De multangularum omnium, & regularium figurarum descriptione -De invenienda longitudinis locorum differentia -Planisphaerium geographicum. Paris: Simon de Colines, 1544. 2 o (304 x 194 mm). 6 A-B 6 C-E 8 F-H 6. 60 leaves, foliated. Roman type, italic marginalia. Cribl title-border of strapwork ornament, numerous woodcut cribl initials, 42 woodcuts (mostly diagrams decorated with fleurons). (Some very minor pale staining.) FIRST EDITION. Two of Fine's treatises constitute attempts to find a more precise value of Adams F-479; BM/STC French p. 166; Harvard/Mortimer French 229; Norman 795.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 53
New York, Park Avenue

CARDANO, Girolamo (1501-1576). Artis magnae, sive de regulis algebraicis, Lib. unus . Nuremberg: Johann Petreius, 1545. 2 o (306 x 195 mm). Collation: A-T 4 V 6. 82 leaves, foliated. Roman type. Woodcut portrait of the author on title, numerous woodcut diagrams in text. (Some minor pale spotting and light browning to text.) Contemporary limp vellum, overlapping edges; morocco folding case. FIRST EDITION OF CARDANO'S GREATEST WORK IN MATHEMATICS. His Ars Magna presented many new ideas in Algebra, including the famous method obtained from Niccol Tartaglia, and published without his consent, for solving third-degree equations. It also introduces what came to be known "Cardano's rule," for solving reduced third-degree equations. "Notable also was Cardano's research into approximate solutions of a numerical equation by the method of proportional parts and the observation that, with repeated operations, one could obtain roots always closer to the true ones. Before Cardano, only the solution of an equation was sought. Cardano, however, also observed the relations between the roots and the coefficients of the equation and between the succession of the signs of the terms and the signs of the roots; thus he is justly considered the originator of the theory of algebraic equations" (DSB). Adams C-651; BM/STC German p. 182; Dibner Heralds of Science 103; Norman 400. [ Bound after :] FINE, Oronce (1494-1555). Quadratura Circuli -De circuli mensura, & ratione circumferentiae ad diametrum -De multangularum omnium, & regularium figurarum descriptione -De invenienda longitudinis locorum differentia -Planisphaerium geographicum. Paris: Simon de Colines, 1544. 2 o (304 x 194 mm). 6 A-B 6 C-E 8 F-H 6. 60 leaves, foliated. Roman type, italic marginalia. Cribl title-border of strapwork ornament, numerous woodcut cribl initials, 42 woodcuts (mostly diagrams decorated with fleurons). (Some very minor pale staining.) FIRST EDITION. Two of Fine's treatises constitute attempts to find a more precise value of Adams F-479; BM/STC French p. 166; Harvard/Mortimer French 229; Norman 795.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 53
New York, Park Avenue
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