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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 411

Collection of Books – Signatures and Stamps of Eminent Rabbis

0 $
250 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 411

Collection of Books – Signatures and Stamps of Eminent Rabbis

0 $
250 $

Collection of books with signatures of stamps of renowned eminent rabbis of Jerusalem: 1) Mishnat Avraham, laws of Stam (Scribal writing of Torah scrolls, tefillin and mezuzot). Zhitomer, 1868. Stamp (slightly erased) of Rabbi "Yitzchak Blazer formerly Rabbi¦ of Petersburg". (1837-1907). 2) Har HaMoriah, on the Rambam. Warsaw 1889. Stamp of the Aderet, Rabbi "Eliyahu David son of the Gaon Rabbi Binyamin Rabinowitz, Mir". (1843-1905). 3) Aruch LaNer, on Tractate Succah. With Bikurei Ya'akov. Altona 1858. Stamp of the Gaon of Kutna author of Za'it Ra'anan (1794-1865), "Moshe Yehuda Leib som of Binyamin Rabbi of Kutna and later of Jerusalem". Stamps and long dedication signed by his grandson Rabbi "Menachem Mendel HaLevi Walman of Warsaw" who gave the book to Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Leib Auerbach (1887-1954), who signed the book and stamped it "¦ son of Rabbi Avraham Dov¦ of Chmielnik". 4-5) Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shvu'ot and Avoda Zara, and Tractate Chulin, Vienna, 1865. Owner's inscriptions and signature and few glosses by Rabbi Moshe Nachum Wallenstein (1841-1922) Ra'avad of Jerusalem. Total of 5 books, varied size and condition, good-fair.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 411
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048

Collection of books with signatures of stamps of renowned eminent rabbis of Jerusalem: 1) Mishnat Avraham, laws of Stam (Scribal writing of Torah scrolls, tefillin and mezuzot). Zhitomer, 1868. Stamp (slightly erased) of Rabbi "Yitzchak Blazer formerly Rabbi¦ of Petersburg". (1837-1907). 2) Har HaMoriah, on the Rambam. Warsaw 1889. Stamp of the Aderet, Rabbi "Eliyahu David son of the Gaon Rabbi Binyamin Rabinowitz, Mir". (1843-1905). 3) Aruch LaNer, on Tractate Succah. With Bikurei Ya'akov. Altona 1858. Stamp of the Gaon of Kutna author of Za'it Ra'anan (1794-1865), "Moshe Yehuda Leib som of Binyamin Rabbi of Kutna and later of Jerusalem". Stamps and long dedication signed by his grandson Rabbi "Menachem Mendel HaLevi Walman of Warsaw" who gave the book to Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Leib Auerbach (1887-1954), who signed the book and stamped it "¦ son of Rabbi Avraham Dov¦ of Chmielnik". 4-5) Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shvu'ot and Avoda Zara, and Tractate Chulin, Vienna, 1865. Owner's inscriptions and signature and few glosses by Rabbi Moshe Nachum Wallenstein (1841-1922) Ra'avad of Jerusalem. Total of 5 books, varied size and condition, good-fair.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 411
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048
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