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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 399

FRENCH REVOLUTION -- NATIONAL CONVENTION -- A collection of letters and documents signed by Conventionnels , including: BARRAS, Paul (1755-1829). Autograph letter signed to the Commissaire de la Marine, 'Au port de la Montagne' [Marseilles], 'le 17 n...

Auction 28.06.1995
700 £ - 1.000 £
ca. 1.116 $ - 1.595 $
1.150 £
ca. 1.834 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 399

FRENCH REVOLUTION -- NATIONAL CONVENTION -- A collection of letters and documents signed by Conventionnels , including: BARRAS, Paul (1755-1829). Autograph letter signed to the Commissaire de la Marine, 'Au port de la Montagne' [Marseilles], 'le 17 n...

Auction 28.06.1995
700 £ - 1.000 £
ca. 1.116 $ - 1.595 $
1.150 £
ca. 1.834 $

FRENCH REVOLUTION -- NATIONAL CONVENTION -- A collection of letters and documents signed by Conventionnels , including: BARRAS, Paul (1755-1829). Autograph letter signed to the Commissaire de la Marine, 'Au port de la Montagne' [Marseilles], 'le 17 nivose l'an second' [6 January 1794] , ordering him to send at once all the objects left by the English 'tels que porcelaines, dejeunes cristaux, necessaires ...', one page, 4to , printed heading of 'Les Representants du Peuple près les armees et les departments du midi', seal; FRERON, Stanislas Louis Marie (1754-1802). Document signed (twice), with countersignature of BARRAS, Marseilles, '27 Nivose l'an second' [16 January 1794] , announcing the promotion of Citoyen Michel Mollard for his valuable services in the siege and capture of Toulon, one page, folio , printed heading, seal; two documents signed by Jeanbon St. Andre as people's representative in the ports and to the Mediterranean fleet, 26 and 31 January 1795 , referring to sick leave for a maritime agent, and to supplies, 2 pages, folio ; and a letter signed by Delbret, and a decree by Maignet, referring to the same areas; CARRIER, Jean Baptiste (1756-1794). Autograph letter signed 'Carrier Deputé du Cantal au citoyen ministre de la Guerre', Paris, '25 germinal de la 2e annee' [25 March 1794] , inviting him to send a brief reply ('une reponse laconique') on all the matters about which he has spoken, ½ page, 4to ; SAINT-JUSTE, Louis Antoine de (1767-1794). Document signed (with Le Bas) authorising Guillus Lacroix to keep and feed the horse on which he arrived for duties, Bitene, '2 frimaire, deuxieme année' [2 November 1793] ; COUTHON, Georges (1755-1794). Autograph letter to the people's representatives with the Armée des Alpes, Clermont Ferrand, 2 September 1790 , on misapprehensions in Puy de Dome and Clermont about the Revolution, the result of the malevolence of counter-revolutionaries and others, 2½ pages, 4to ; together with 17 letters and documents signed by other Conventionnels , including Sieyes (referring to a relative of Danton), Bourbette, Delmas (reporting the decisions of the Commune of Paris and the state of insurrection, 10 August 1792 ), Goujon, Le Breton, Petion (criticising the decisions of the Comité de Salut Public, 7 June 1793 ), Robespierre jeune (an order for payment), Maignet, Pinet, Guiot, Simon, Tallien, Levasseur and others, together approximately 40 pages, 4to and folio . (26)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 399
London, King Street

FRENCH REVOLUTION -- NATIONAL CONVENTION -- A collection of letters and documents signed by Conventionnels , including: BARRAS, Paul (1755-1829). Autograph letter signed to the Commissaire de la Marine, 'Au port de la Montagne' [Marseilles], 'le 17 nivose l'an second' [6 January 1794] , ordering him to send at once all the objects left by the English 'tels que porcelaines, dejeunes cristaux, necessaires ...', one page, 4to , printed heading of 'Les Representants du Peuple près les armees et les departments du midi', seal; FRERON, Stanislas Louis Marie (1754-1802). Document signed (twice), with countersignature of BARRAS, Marseilles, '27 Nivose l'an second' [16 January 1794] , announcing the promotion of Citoyen Michel Mollard for his valuable services in the siege and capture of Toulon, one page, folio , printed heading, seal; two documents signed by Jeanbon St. Andre as people's representative in the ports and to the Mediterranean fleet, 26 and 31 January 1795 , referring to sick leave for a maritime agent, and to supplies, 2 pages, folio ; and a letter signed by Delbret, and a decree by Maignet, referring to the same areas; CARRIER, Jean Baptiste (1756-1794). Autograph letter signed 'Carrier Deputé du Cantal au citoyen ministre de la Guerre', Paris, '25 germinal de la 2e annee' [25 March 1794] , inviting him to send a brief reply ('une reponse laconique') on all the matters about which he has spoken, ½ page, 4to ; SAINT-JUSTE, Louis Antoine de (1767-1794). Document signed (with Le Bas) authorising Guillus Lacroix to keep and feed the horse on which he arrived for duties, Bitene, '2 frimaire, deuxieme année' [2 November 1793] ; COUTHON, Georges (1755-1794). Autograph letter to the people's representatives with the Armée des Alpes, Clermont Ferrand, 2 September 1790 , on misapprehensions in Puy de Dome and Clermont about the Revolution, the result of the malevolence of counter-revolutionaries and others, 2½ pages, 4to ; together with 17 letters and documents signed by other Conventionnels , including Sieyes (referring to a relative of Danton), Bourbette, Delmas (reporting the decisions of the Commune of Paris and the state of insurrection, 10 August 1792 ), Goujon, Le Breton, Petion (criticising the decisions of the Comité de Salut Public, 7 June 1793 ), Robespierre jeune (an order for payment), Maignet, Pinet, Guiot, Simon, Tallien, Levasseur and others, together approximately 40 pages, 4to and folio . (26)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 399
London, King Street
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