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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 207

GOLIUS. Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, contextum ex probatioribus orientis lexicographis

1.500 € - 3.500 €
ca. 1.684 $ - 3.931 $
n. a.
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 207

GOLIUS. Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, contextum ex probatioribus orientis lexicographis

1.500 € - 3.500 €
ca. 1.684 $ - 3.931 $
n. a.

Jacob GOLIUS Arabic-Latin Lexicon, GOLIUS. Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, contextum ex probatioribus orientis lexicographis. Leiden & Amsterdam, Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier. (Colophon: Lugduni Batavorum, typis Elseviriorum, 1653) Folio, mm. 342x220, late binding,full calf, gilt frames on covers, gilt title and ornaments on back, red edges. (12), 16 pp., 17-2922[i.e. 2920] cols., (40) pp. Some numbering errorsof columns. Red and black tilepage with priner’s mark, round, italic and arbictype. Restorationon colophon. Spread foxing and brownings, more severe in he lastpages.
First edition, Elzevier's typographic masterpiece. This pioneering Arabic lexicon has remained the most important dictionary in Europe, up to that of Freytag, which appeared in 1830. Golius based his dictionary on a great variety of Arabic lexicographical texts, the most important of which was al-Jawhari's Sahah and Firuzabadi's Qamus. His dictionary included, moreover, Arabic words derived from other languages, most notably Turkish and Persian, which he translated directly from the source language, using Turkish and Persian glossaries. The work concludes with an extensive index, containing some 10,000 entries. Vrolijk & Van Leeuwen: “The manner in which Golius arranged his dictionary, according to the Arabic root letter and the verbal and substantival forms with all their derivates, is still the fundamental criterion of Arabic dictionaries in European languages.” The work, actually printed by Johannes and Daniel Elzevier (Willems 723), appeared in four simultaneous issues, differing only in the imprint, all noting Bonaventura and Abraham Elzevier as printers (the colophon also noting the Elzeviers as printers): this copy is in variant B, with the subscription "Prostant Amstelodami apud Johannem Janssonium" to the Titlepage. Jacobus Golius (1596-1667), a pupil and friend of Erpenius, was one of the most important Arabists of his day. From 1625 to 1627 he served as chancellor of the Dutch consul in Aleppo. Afterwards he was appointed professor of Arabic at Leiden University. The Elzeviers acquired Erpenius's printing materials after his death in 1624, including his famous Arabic types with it. Erpenius had had them cut in Leiden by Arent Corsz. Hogenacker and they set the style that remained the standard among Dutch, English and other Arabic scholars for many years.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 207
Via Dei Soncin, 25
35122 PADOVA
+39 049 875 5317
+39 049 875 5317

Jacob GOLIUS Arabic-Latin Lexicon, GOLIUS. Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, contextum ex probatioribus orientis lexicographis. Leiden & Amsterdam, Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier. (Colophon: Lugduni Batavorum, typis Elseviriorum, 1653) Folio, mm. 342x220, late binding,full calf, gilt frames on covers, gilt title and ornaments on back, red edges. (12), 16 pp., 17-2922[i.e. 2920] cols., (40) pp. Some numbering errorsof columns. Red and black tilepage with priner’s mark, round, italic and arbictype. Restorationon colophon. Spread foxing and brownings, more severe in he lastpages.
First edition, Elzevier's typographic masterpiece. This pioneering Arabic lexicon has remained the most important dictionary in Europe, up to that of Freytag, which appeared in 1830. Golius based his dictionary on a great variety of Arabic lexicographical texts, the most important of which was al-Jawhari's Sahah and Firuzabadi's Qamus. His dictionary included, moreover, Arabic words derived from other languages, most notably Turkish and Persian, which he translated directly from the source language, using Turkish and Persian glossaries. The work concludes with an extensive index, containing some 10,000 entries. Vrolijk & Van Leeuwen: “The manner in which Golius arranged his dictionary, according to the Arabic root letter and the verbal and substantival forms with all their derivates, is still the fundamental criterion of Arabic dictionaries in European languages.” The work, actually printed by Johannes and Daniel Elzevier (Willems 723), appeared in four simultaneous issues, differing only in the imprint, all noting Bonaventura and Abraham Elzevier as printers (the colophon also noting the Elzeviers as printers): this copy is in variant B, with the subscription "Prostant Amstelodami apud Johannem Janssonium" to the Titlepage. Jacobus Golius (1596-1667), a pupil and friend of Erpenius, was one of the most important Arabists of his day. From 1625 to 1627 he served as chancellor of the Dutch consul in Aleppo. Afterwards he was appointed professor of Arabic at Leiden University. The Elzeviers acquired Erpenius's printing materials after his death in 1624, including his famous Arabic types with it. Erpenius had had them cut in Leiden by Arent Corsz. Hogenacker and they set the style that remained the standard among Dutch, English and other Arabic scholars for many years.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 207
Via Dei Soncin, 25
35122 PADOVA
+39 049 875 5317
+39 049 875 5317
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