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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 410

HERBALS and BOTANICAL LITERATURE, 16/17TH-CENTURY]. THEOPHRASTUS of Eresos. De Historia, et causis Plantarum, Libri Quindecim. Theodoro Gaza Interprete... Paris, 1529. 8vo, 157 x 102 mm., old vellum. First Wechel Edition, woodcut title border and num...

Auction 05.06.1997
1.000 $ - 1.500 $
1.035 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 410

HERBALS and BOTANICAL LITERATURE, 16/17TH-CENTURY]. THEOPHRASTUS of Eresos. De Historia, et causis Plantarum, Libri Quindecim. Theodoro Gaza Interprete... Paris, 1529. 8vo, 157 x 102 mm., old vellum. First Wechel Edition, woodcut title border and num...

Auction 05.06.1997
1.000 $ - 1.500 $
1.035 $

HERBALS and BOTANICAL LITERATURE, 16/17TH-CENTURY]. THEOPHRASTUS of Eresos. De Historia, et causis Plantarum, Libri Quindecim. Theodoro Gaza Interprete... Paris, 1529. 8vo, 157 x 102 mm., old vellum. First Wechel Edition, woodcut title border and numerous woodcut initials "in two sizes, designed with putti- similar to the Holbein alphabets- fool's heads, animals, or renaissance ornament." Mortimer French 513; Hunt 26. KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- BRASAVOLA, ANTONIO MUSA. Examen Omnium Simplicium... Lyon, 1546. 8vo, 120 x 74 mm., contemporary limp vellum, lower cover and last few pages gnawed, affecting text. Rivised and corrected Edition. Adams B-2692; NLM/Durling 683. KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- CRESCENZI, PIETRO DE. Trattato dell'Agricoltura... Florence, 1605. 4to, 204 x 142 mm., 18th-century gilt panelled morocco, g.e., spine darkened, some wear to joints. Sunderland Library, Blenheim Palace, bookplate -- FUCHS, LEONHARD. De Historia Stirpium Commentarii... Paris, 1546. 8vo, 165 x 105 mm., blind stamped contemporary calf, rebacked, ties renewed. Old marginalia on preliminary blank -- LEMNIUS, LEVINUS. Similitudium ac Parabolarum qua in bibliis ex Herbis... Lyon, 1622. 8vo, 174 x 110 mm., boards. See Pritzel 5213. Bibliotheque Bonnet; KKM/HSNY, bookplates. (5)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 410
New York, East

HERBALS and BOTANICAL LITERATURE, 16/17TH-CENTURY]. THEOPHRASTUS of Eresos. De Historia, et causis Plantarum, Libri Quindecim. Theodoro Gaza Interprete... Paris, 1529. 8vo, 157 x 102 mm., old vellum. First Wechel Edition, woodcut title border and numerous woodcut initials "in two sizes, designed with putti- similar to the Holbein alphabets- fool's heads, animals, or renaissance ornament." Mortimer French 513; Hunt 26. KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- BRASAVOLA, ANTONIO MUSA. Examen Omnium Simplicium... Lyon, 1546. 8vo, 120 x 74 mm., contemporary limp vellum, lower cover and last few pages gnawed, affecting text. Rivised and corrected Edition. Adams B-2692; NLM/Durling 683. KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- CRESCENZI, PIETRO DE. Trattato dell'Agricoltura... Florence, 1605. 4to, 204 x 142 mm., 18th-century gilt panelled morocco, g.e., spine darkened, some wear to joints. Sunderland Library, Blenheim Palace, bookplate -- FUCHS, LEONHARD. De Historia Stirpium Commentarii... Paris, 1546. 8vo, 165 x 105 mm., blind stamped contemporary calf, rebacked, ties renewed. Old marginalia on preliminary blank -- LEMNIUS, LEVINUS. Similitudium ac Parabolarum qua in bibliis ex Herbis... Lyon, 1622. 8vo, 174 x 110 mm., boards. See Pritzel 5213. Bibliotheque Bonnet; KKM/HSNY, bookplates. (5)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 410
New York, East
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