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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 84

HISTORY -- GREAT BRITAIN]. STOW, JOHN. The Annales of England. London: Ralfe Newberry, [1600]. STC 23335 -- D[ANIEL], S[AMUEL]. The Collection of the History of England. London: Waterson, 1626. STC 6251 -- CHURCHILL, WINSTON. Divi Britannici: Being a...

Auction 09.10.1996
1.000 $ - 1.500 $
862 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 84

HISTORY -- GREAT BRITAIN]. STOW, JOHN. The Annales of England. London: Ralfe Newberry, [1600]. STC 23335 -- D[ANIEL], S[AMUEL]. The Collection of the History of England. London: Waterson, 1626. STC 6251 -- CHURCHILL, WINSTON. Divi Britannici: Being a...

Auction 09.10.1996
1.000 $ - 1.500 $
862 $

HISTORY -- GREAT BRITAIN]. STOW, JOHN. The Annales of England. London: Ralfe Newberry, [1600]. STC 23335 -- D[ANIEL], S[AMUEL]. The Collection of the History of England. London: Waterson, 1626. STC 6251 -- CHURCHILL, WINSTON. Divi Britannici: Being a Remark upon the Lives of all the Kings of this Isle. London: by T. Roycroft, 1675. Wing C4275 -- HOBART, HENRY. The Reports of that Reverend and Learned Judge... London: Charles Harper and Tho. Lee, 1678. Wing H2209 -- DALTON, MICHAEL. The Countrey Justice: Containing the Practice of the Justices of the Peace... London: H. Sawbridge... 1682. Wing D148 -- [KING, WILLIAM]. The State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Government. London, 1692. Wing K540 -- WELWOOD, JAMES. Memoirs of the Most Material Transactions in England, for the Last Hundred Years, Preceding the Revolution in 1668. London, 1700. Wing W1308 -- PENNANT, THOMAS. A Tour in Scotland, 1769. Warrington, 1774 -- PECK, FRANCIS. Desiderata Curiosa: or a Collection of.. Curious Pieces... of English History. London, 1779. 2 vols. in one -- ARNOT, HUGO. A Collection and Abridgement of Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, form 1536 to 1784. Edinburgh, 1785 -- and 5 others. Together 15 volumes, various sizes, various bindings, condition varies. (15)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 84
New York, East

HISTORY -- GREAT BRITAIN]. STOW, JOHN. The Annales of England. London: Ralfe Newberry, [1600]. STC 23335 -- D[ANIEL], S[AMUEL]. The Collection of the History of England. London: Waterson, 1626. STC 6251 -- CHURCHILL, WINSTON. Divi Britannici: Being a Remark upon the Lives of all the Kings of this Isle. London: by T. Roycroft, 1675. Wing C4275 -- HOBART, HENRY. The Reports of that Reverend and Learned Judge... London: Charles Harper and Tho. Lee, 1678. Wing H2209 -- DALTON, MICHAEL. The Countrey Justice: Containing the Practice of the Justices of the Peace... London: H. Sawbridge... 1682. Wing D148 -- [KING, WILLIAM]. The State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Government. London, 1692. Wing K540 -- WELWOOD, JAMES. Memoirs of the Most Material Transactions in England, for the Last Hundred Years, Preceding the Revolution in 1668. London, 1700. Wing W1308 -- PENNANT, THOMAS. A Tour in Scotland, 1769. Warrington, 1774 -- PECK, FRANCIS. Desiderata Curiosa: or a Collection of.. Curious Pieces... of English History. London, 1779. 2 vols. in one -- ARNOT, HUGO. A Collection and Abridgement of Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, form 1536 to 1784. Edinburgh, 1785 -- and 5 others. Together 15 volumes, various sizes, various bindings, condition varies. (15)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 84
New York, East
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