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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 541

HUTTON, James (1726-1797). Theory of the Earth, with proofs and illustrations . Edinburgh: William Creech; London: Cadell, Junior and Davies, 1795 [Vols 1 & 2]; London: Harrison & Son for the Geological Society, 1899 [Vol 3]. Volume 3 edited by Sir A...

Auction 15.06.1998
15.06.1998 - 16.06.1998
2.000 $ - 3.000 $
13.800 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 541

HUTTON, James (1726-1797). Theory of the Earth, with proofs and illustrations . Edinburgh: William Creech; London: Cadell, Junior and Davies, 1795 [Vols 1 & 2]; London: Harrison & Son for the Geological Society, 1899 [Vol 3]. Volume 3 edited by Sir A...

Auction 15.06.1998
15.06.1998 - 16.06.1998
2.000 $ - 3.000 $
13.800 $

HUTTON, James (1726-1797). Theory of the Earth, with proofs and illustrations . Edinburgh: William Creech; London: Cadell, Junior and Davies, 1795 [Vols 1 & 2]; London: Harrison & Son for the Geological Society, 1899 [Vol 3]. Volume 3 edited by Sir Archibald Geikie. 3 volumes. 8 o (214 x 132 mm) [Vols 1 & 2]; (224 x 144 mm) [Vol 3]. Vol 1: 4 folding engraved plates. Vol 2: 2 folding engraved plates. 19th-century gilt-ruled black morocco, inner gilt dentelles, gilt spines with red leather labels, signed "White, 24 Pall Mall" [Vols 1 & 2]; original blue printed wrappers [Vol 3]. FIRST EDITION. A greatly expanded treatment of the ideas contained in Hutton's presentation to the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1788, in which he expounded the concept of uniformitarianism - that "the formation of the surface of the earth is one continuous process which can be studied entirely from terrestrial materials without cosmological or supernatural intervention" (PMM). Hutton died before completing the work, which was to have been in four parts, and which consists largely of supporting proofs and illustrations of the theory set forth in his initial paper. His unfinished manuscript of six chapters was published as Volume 3 posthumously. PMM 247; Norman 1131. (3)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 541
15.06.1998 - 16.06.1998
New York, Park Avenue

HUTTON, James (1726-1797). Theory of the Earth, with proofs and illustrations . Edinburgh: William Creech; London: Cadell, Junior and Davies, 1795 [Vols 1 & 2]; London: Harrison & Son for the Geological Society, 1899 [Vol 3]. Volume 3 edited by Sir Archibald Geikie. 3 volumes. 8 o (214 x 132 mm) [Vols 1 & 2]; (224 x 144 mm) [Vol 3]. Vol 1: 4 folding engraved plates. Vol 2: 2 folding engraved plates. 19th-century gilt-ruled black morocco, inner gilt dentelles, gilt spines with red leather labels, signed "White, 24 Pall Mall" [Vols 1 & 2]; original blue printed wrappers [Vol 3]. FIRST EDITION. A greatly expanded treatment of the ideas contained in Hutton's presentation to the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1788, in which he expounded the concept of uniformitarianism - that "the formation of the surface of the earth is one continuous process which can be studied entirely from terrestrial materials without cosmological or supernatural intervention" (PMM). Hutton died before completing the work, which was to have been in four parts, and which consists largely of supporting proofs and illustrations of the theory set forth in his initial paper. His unfinished manuscript of six chapters was published as Volume 3 posthumously. PMM 247; Norman 1131. (3)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 541
15.06.1998 - 16.06.1998
New York, Park Avenue
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