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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 274

Letter by the Shevet Sofer – Fundraising for Russian Jewry After the Pogroms of 1881-1882 – Pressburg, 1882

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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 274

Letter by the Shevet Sofer – Fundraising for Russian Jewry After the Pogroms of 1881-1882 – Pressburg, 1882

0 $
n. a.

Letter signed by R. Simcha Bunim Sofer-Schreiber, rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva of Pressburg (Bratislava), author of "Shevet Sofer". Pressburg, 1882. Letter of blessings and confirmation of receipt of donations from his community for "our Jewish brothers who are in desperate straits (may G-d have mercy on them)". The letter was sent to his student R. Mordechai Ephraim Fishel Sofer, rabbi of Kehal Yerei'im in Miklosz. Handwritten by a scribe, with the following lines added by R. Sofer at the end of the letter: "signed by one who desires his success and fame. The small Simcha Bunim, son of the great R. Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer". R. Simcha Bunim Sofer-Schreiber (1843-1907), was the son of the "Ktav Sofer", and from 1872 his successor in the Pressburg rabbinate and head of the yeshiva. A prominent rabbi in his times, he stood at the helm of Hungarian Charedi Jewry. Most of the Hungarian rabbis of that generation were his disciples. Among his works are the Shevet Sofer novellae on the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch, Shevet Sofer novellae on the Talmud and Sha'arei Simcha on the Torah. This letter was written following the assassination of Czar Alexander II of Russia, which led to a series of pogroms. These pogroms (1881-1882) were actively encouraged by the Russian authorities in order to divert the attention of the populace from the corrupt government. They also led to severe restriction of Jewish rights throughout Russia. Postcard, 14.5X9 cm. Good condition.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 274
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048

Letter signed by R. Simcha Bunim Sofer-Schreiber, rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva of Pressburg (Bratislava), author of "Shevet Sofer". Pressburg, 1882. Letter of blessings and confirmation of receipt of donations from his community for "our Jewish brothers who are in desperate straits (may G-d have mercy on them)". The letter was sent to his student R. Mordechai Ephraim Fishel Sofer, rabbi of Kehal Yerei'im in Miklosz. Handwritten by a scribe, with the following lines added by R. Sofer at the end of the letter: "signed by one who desires his success and fame. The small Simcha Bunim, son of the great R. Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer". R. Simcha Bunim Sofer-Schreiber (1843-1907), was the son of the "Ktav Sofer", and from 1872 his successor in the Pressburg rabbinate and head of the yeshiva. A prominent rabbi in his times, he stood at the helm of Hungarian Charedi Jewry. Most of the Hungarian rabbis of that generation were his disciples. Among his works are the Shevet Sofer novellae on the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch, Shevet Sofer novellae on the Talmud and Sha'arei Simcha on the Torah. This letter was written following the assassination of Czar Alexander II of Russia, which led to a series of pogroms. These pogroms (1881-1882) were actively encouraged by the Russian authorities in order to divert the attention of the populace from the corrupt government. They also led to severe restriction of Jewish rights throughout Russia. Postcard, 14.5X9 cm. Good condition.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 274
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048
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