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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 93

LICETI , Fortunio (1577-1657) De motu sanguinis Origine neru...

1.000 £ - 1.500 £
ca. 1.264 $ - 1.896 $
2.375 £
ca. 3.002 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 93

LICETI , Fortunio (1577-1657) De motu sanguinis Origine neru...

1.000 £ - 1.500 £
ca. 1.264 $ - 1.896 $
2.375 £
ca. 3.002 $

LICETI , Fortunio (1577-1657). De motu sanguinis. Origine neruorum. Cerebro leniente cordis aestum. Imaginationis viribus . Quarto-quaesitis per epistolas clarorum virorum. Udine: Nicola Schiratti, 1647.
LICETI , Fortunio (1577-1657). De motu sanguinis. Origine neruorum. Cerebro leniente cordis aestum. Imaginationis viribus . Quarto-quaesitis per epistolas clarorum virorum. Udine: Nicola Schiratti, 1647. 4° (197 x 141mm). Title with woodcut device of Mercury pursuing Pan, 7-line woodcut initial at opening of dedication. (Some browning, without final blank.) Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine (slightly bowed, some soiling and disolouration). Provenance : The monastery of S. Maria di Gesu at (probably) Monforte (contemporary inscription on title; later indistinct stamp). FIRST EDITION, an octavo edition following in the same year. This is the fourth volume in a series of seven containing Liceti’s answers to questions put to him in letters from learned men who included Sebastiano Baldo and Johann Vesling. In the first part he gives his opinion on the circulation of the blood, as expressed in the 1643 Padua edition of William Harvey’s De motu cordis , and hypothesises that the coronary vein joined the two sides of the heart, an idea immediately refuted by T. Bartholin and J. Riolan (see Dizionario biografico degli Italiani , vol. 65, 2005). NLM/Krivatsy 6961; Wellcome III, p. 514.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 93

LICETI , Fortunio (1577-1657). De motu sanguinis. Origine neruorum. Cerebro leniente cordis aestum. Imaginationis viribus . Quarto-quaesitis per epistolas clarorum virorum. Udine: Nicola Schiratti, 1647.
LICETI , Fortunio (1577-1657). De motu sanguinis. Origine neruorum. Cerebro leniente cordis aestum. Imaginationis viribus . Quarto-quaesitis per epistolas clarorum virorum. Udine: Nicola Schiratti, 1647. 4° (197 x 141mm). Title with woodcut device of Mercury pursuing Pan, 7-line woodcut initial at opening of dedication. (Some browning, without final blank.) Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine (slightly bowed, some soiling and disolouration). Provenance : The monastery of S. Maria di Gesu at (probably) Monforte (contemporary inscription on title; later indistinct stamp). FIRST EDITION, an octavo edition following in the same year. This is the fourth volume in a series of seven containing Liceti’s answers to questions put to him in letters from learned men who included Sebastiano Baldo and Johann Vesling. In the first part he gives his opinion on the circulation of the blood, as expressed in the 1643 Padua edition of William Harvey’s De motu cordis , and hypothesises that the coronary vein joined the two sides of the heart, an idea immediately refuted by T. Bartholin and J. Riolan (see Dizionario biografico degli Italiani , vol. 65, 2005). NLM/Krivatsy 6961; Wellcome III, p. 514.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 93
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