(A) A private-contract cutlass of British- or Solingen-make for privateers and merchantmen, 1805-1815, copied from the Royal Navy's P1804 Sea Service Sword, with robust, unfullered blade with spearpoint tip, 29" long and 1-1/2" wide at ricasso; its black-japanned, iron-mounted hilt consists of a heavy, sheet-iron, "figure-8" guard with a horizontally-ribbed, cast-iron grip. (B) A somewhat similar cutlass, also probably of British or Solingen-make, with a slightly-curved, unfullered blade with spearpoint tip, 27-13/16" long by 1-3/8" at ricasso; the iron hilt with figure-8 guard of slightly lighter-gauge, sheet-iron and a vertically-fluted, cast-iron grip, both japanned. CONDITION: Both cutlass blades now a gunmetal grey; their hilts retaining much of the original japanning, but with some light surface oxidation. JLK Name Value Blade Length (A) 29" (B) 28" Overall Length (A) 34" (B) 33" Paperwork
(A) A private-contract cutlass of British- or Solingen-make for privateers and merchantmen, 1805-1815, copied from the Royal Navy's P1804 Sea Service Sword, with robust, unfullered blade with spearpoint tip, 29" long and 1-1/2" wide at ricasso; its black-japanned, iron-mounted hilt consists of a heavy, sheet-iron, "figure-8" guard with a horizontally-ribbed, cast-iron grip. (B) A somewhat similar cutlass, also probably of British or Solingen-make, with a slightly-curved, unfullered blade with spearpoint tip, 27-13/16" long by 1-3/8" at ricasso; the iron hilt with figure-8 guard of slightly lighter-gauge, sheet-iron and a vertically-fluted, cast-iron grip, both japanned. CONDITION: Both cutlass blades now a gunmetal grey; their hilts retaining much of the original japanning, but with some light surface oxidation. JLK Name Value Blade Length (A) 29" (B) 28" Overall Length (A) 34" (B) 33" Paperwork
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