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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 175

LOUISIANA TERRITORY]. CLAIBORNE, WILLIAM CHARLES COLES, Governor of Mississippi . [Top center:] E Pluribus Unum. [Left-hand column:] United America. Louisiana. By William C.C. Claiborne, Governor of the Mississippi, exercising the powers of Governor-...

Auction 26.01.1996
8.000 $ - 12.000 $
13.800 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 175

LOUISIANA TERRITORY]. CLAIBORNE, WILLIAM CHARLES COLES, Governor of Mississippi . [Top center:] E Pluribus Unum. [Left-hand column:] United America. Louisiana. By William C.C. Claiborne, Governor of the Mississippi, exercising the powers of Governor-...

Auction 26.01.1996
8.000 $ - 12.000 $
13.800 $

LOUISIANA TERRITORY]. CLAIBORNE, WILLIAM CHARLES COLES, Governor of Mississippi . [Top center:] E Pluribus Unum. [Left-hand column:] United America. Louisiana. By William C.C. Claiborne, Governor of the Mississippi, exercising the powers of Governor-General and Intendant of the Province of Louisiana. For the Better arrangement of the Shipping, and the Security thereof in the Port of New-Orleans, it is ordained and directed that the following strictly observed and enforced... New Orleans, 29 December 1803. Folio broadside, 430 x 315 mm. (16 7/8 x 12 3/8 in.), uniform browning, small punctures at corners (where tacked or posted), old glassine tape repairs at corners and top margin (recto and verso), small portion at top center torn away affecting top portion of woodcut American eagle, other minor defects, none affecting text, blue cloth chemise and protective slipcase. Woodcut vignette of American Eagle holding a shield at top center, two columns text (English on left, French on right), signed in type at bottom by C.C. Claiborne and on the right by the translator, P. Derbigny. Verso docketed in a contemporary hand: "Ordonnance Pour le Port 29 Xbre [December] 1803." Foote, Bibliography of the Official Publications of Louisiana, 1803-1934, American Imprints Inventory, WPA Historical Records Survey Program, no. 19, 1942, p.2 (typescript, Grolier Club Library); Jumonville, New Orleans Imprints 92 (not seen); McMurtrie, Early Printing in New Orleans , 58 (this copy). THE ONLY RECORDED COPY OF THE FIRST ACT OF GOVERNANCE OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE NEWLY ORGANIZED LOUISIANA TERRITORY A broadside issued only nine days after Claiborne, Governor of Mississippi and Acting Governor of Louisiana, took formal possession of Louisiana from France. Claiborne's proclamation of the transfer of power was issued on December 20, but the present broadside apparently constitutes the first act of governance under the laws and administration of the United States of America. In English and French the broadside specifies 12 articles, rules to be observed by vessels anchoring at New Orleans to load or discharge cargo and confirms that the Harbor-Master shall have discretion over their place of anchorage, discharge of ballast and other details. Specific fines are to be levied for violations: "all such fines shall be paid into the treasury of the city to the use thereof." Claiborne further ordains that these regulations "shall remain in force until permanent provision be made." Commerce, especially water-borne commerce, was of course the very raison d'etre of New Orleans (which at this date had a population of about 8,000 permanent residents), and the port itself was widely regarded as the chief prize obtained by the United States by the Louisiana Purchase. Provenance : 1. Simon J. Schwartz, pioneer collector of Louisiana-iana (sale, Anderson Galleries, 10 November 1926, lot 547.) -- Edward Alexander Parsons -- With William Reese Company, New Haven, Connecticut.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 175
New York, Park Avenue

LOUISIANA TERRITORY]. CLAIBORNE, WILLIAM CHARLES COLES, Governor of Mississippi . [Top center:] E Pluribus Unum. [Left-hand column:] United America. Louisiana. By William C.C. Claiborne, Governor of the Mississippi, exercising the powers of Governor-General and Intendant of the Province of Louisiana. For the Better arrangement of the Shipping, and the Security thereof in the Port of New-Orleans, it is ordained and directed that the following strictly observed and enforced... New Orleans, 29 December 1803. Folio broadside, 430 x 315 mm. (16 7/8 x 12 3/8 in.), uniform browning, small punctures at corners (where tacked or posted), old glassine tape repairs at corners and top margin (recto and verso), small portion at top center torn away affecting top portion of woodcut American eagle, other minor defects, none affecting text, blue cloth chemise and protective slipcase. Woodcut vignette of American Eagle holding a shield at top center, two columns text (English on left, French on right), signed in type at bottom by C.C. Claiborne and on the right by the translator, P. Derbigny. Verso docketed in a contemporary hand: "Ordonnance Pour le Port 29 Xbre [December] 1803." Foote, Bibliography of the Official Publications of Louisiana, 1803-1934, American Imprints Inventory, WPA Historical Records Survey Program, no. 19, 1942, p.2 (typescript, Grolier Club Library); Jumonville, New Orleans Imprints 92 (not seen); McMurtrie, Early Printing in New Orleans , 58 (this copy). THE ONLY RECORDED COPY OF THE FIRST ACT OF GOVERNANCE OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE NEWLY ORGANIZED LOUISIANA TERRITORY A broadside issued only nine days after Claiborne, Governor of Mississippi and Acting Governor of Louisiana, took formal possession of Louisiana from France. Claiborne's proclamation of the transfer of power was issued on December 20, but the present broadside apparently constitutes the first act of governance under the laws and administration of the United States of America. In English and French the broadside specifies 12 articles, rules to be observed by vessels anchoring at New Orleans to load or discharge cargo and confirms that the Harbor-Master shall have discretion over their place of anchorage, discharge of ballast and other details. Specific fines are to be levied for violations: "all such fines shall be paid into the treasury of the city to the use thereof." Claiborne further ordains that these regulations "shall remain in force until permanent provision be made." Commerce, especially water-borne commerce, was of course the very raison d'etre of New Orleans (which at this date had a population of about 8,000 permanent residents), and the port itself was widely regarded as the chief prize obtained by the United States by the Louisiana Purchase. Provenance : 1. Simon J. Schwartz, pioneer collector of Louisiana-iana (sale, Anderson Galleries, 10 November 1926, lot 547.) -- Edward Alexander Parsons -- With William Reese Company, New Haven, Connecticut.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 175
New York, Park Avenue
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