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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 623

Lucretius? biography of the 16th century. CRINITUS..

1.200 € - 1.500 €
ca. 1.351 $ - 1.688 $
n. a.
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 623

Lucretius? biography of the 16th century. CRINITUS..

1.200 € - 1.500 €
ca. 1.351 $ - 1.688 $
n. a.

Lucretius? biography of the 16th century. CRINITUS... Lucretius? biography of the 16th century. DEL RICCIO-BALDI, Pietro CRINITUS. Petri Criniti ... De honesta disciplina, lib. 25. Poëtis Latinis, lib. 5. Et Poëmaton, lib. 2. Cum indicibus Lyon, Sébastien Gryphius, 1543 8vo, mm 164x110, Contemporary vellum binding, title written on spine and edges; pp. [48], 585 i.e. 587, [5]; Collation: α-γ⁸ a-z⁸ A-O⁸, errors numbering. Printer?s device on title page, woodcut initials, Italic, Round and greek type, marginal notes by ancient hand. Sign of humidity in the lower margin, good specimen.
Beautiful edition with the work of the refined humanist of Florence. De Poetis Latinis contains the first printed biography of Lucretius, which was widely diffused in the Renaissance.Palmer: ?The most ubiquitous biography of Lucretius in the Renaissance was that of the Florentine Pietro del Riccio Baldi, better known as Petrus Crinitus. This 500-word vita was one of eighty-six Crinitus wrote for is De Poetis Latinis, a collection of brief lives of ancient poets, firs printed in 1505, that saw tent reprints by 1600. After the author?s death in 1507, editors used excerpts from the De Poetis Latiinis as introductions in editions of Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Horace, and, beginning in 1531, Lucretius. Eleven Lucretius editions, one-third of those printed before 1600, include Crinitius, making him Lucretius?s most constant companion, particularly in the cheaper octavos and pocket versions. Though Crinitus?s was the first vita printed?? Pietro Crinito, nome umanistico di Piero Del Riccio-Baldi, fu allievo del Poliziano e insegnò nello Studio fiorentino. Il ?De honesta disciplina? è una raccolta di studi filologici eruditi; il ?De poetis Latinis? comprende una cinquantina di articoli biografici e critici consacrati ai poeti latini antichi, da Livio Andronico a Sidonio Apollinare, ed è la prima del genere; nel ?Poematum?, Crinito presenta le sue poesie in latino composte sul modello di Stazio. Ada Palmer, Reading Lucretius in the Renaissance, Harvard University Press, 2014, on pages 102 ff. The work is offered with a valid export license.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 623
Via Dei Soncin, 25
35122 PADOVA
+39 049 875 5317
+39 049 875 5317

Lucretius? biography of the 16th century. CRINITUS... Lucretius? biography of the 16th century. DEL RICCIO-BALDI, Pietro CRINITUS. Petri Criniti ... De honesta disciplina, lib. 25. Poëtis Latinis, lib. 5. Et Poëmaton, lib. 2. Cum indicibus Lyon, Sébastien Gryphius, 1543 8vo, mm 164x110, Contemporary vellum binding, title written on spine and edges; pp. [48], 585 i.e. 587, [5]; Collation: α-γ⁸ a-z⁸ A-O⁸, errors numbering. Printer?s device on title page, woodcut initials, Italic, Round and greek type, marginal notes by ancient hand. Sign of humidity in the lower margin, good specimen.
Beautiful edition with the work of the refined humanist of Florence. De Poetis Latinis contains the first printed biography of Lucretius, which was widely diffused in the Renaissance.Palmer: ?The most ubiquitous biography of Lucretius in the Renaissance was that of the Florentine Pietro del Riccio Baldi, better known as Petrus Crinitus. This 500-word vita was one of eighty-six Crinitus wrote for is De Poetis Latinis, a collection of brief lives of ancient poets, firs printed in 1505, that saw tent reprints by 1600. After the author?s death in 1507, editors used excerpts from the De Poetis Latiinis as introductions in editions of Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Horace, and, beginning in 1531, Lucretius. Eleven Lucretius editions, one-third of those printed before 1600, include Crinitius, making him Lucretius?s most constant companion, particularly in the cheaper octavos and pocket versions. Though Crinitus?s was the first vita printed?? Pietro Crinito, nome umanistico di Piero Del Riccio-Baldi, fu allievo del Poliziano e insegnò nello Studio fiorentino. Il ?De honesta disciplina? è una raccolta di studi filologici eruditi; il ?De poetis Latinis? comprende una cinquantina di articoli biografici e critici consacrati ai poeti latini antichi, da Livio Andronico a Sidonio Apollinare, ed è la prima del genere; nel ?Poematum?, Crinito presenta le sue poesie in latino composte sul modello di Stazio. Ada Palmer, Reading Lucretius in the Renaissance, Harvard University Press, 2014, on pages 102 ff. The work is offered with a valid export license.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 623
Via Dei Soncin, 25
35122 PADOVA
+39 049 875 5317
+39 049 875 5317
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