Luther, Martin. Kirchen Postilla das ist: Auslegung der Episteln vnd Euangelien von Ostern bis auff das Aduent. D. Mart. Luth. Auffs new zugericht. Wittenberg: Hans Lufft, 1550. Bound with:
Martin Luther, Auslegung der Euangelien an dem fürnemsten Festen, von Ostern bis auff Aduent. D. Mar. Luther. Leipzig: Nikolaus Wolrab, 1545
Luther’s Kirchen Postilla are sermons for the Sunday epistle and gospel passage, from Easter through the 26th Sunday after Advent (“Sommerteil”). They are not sermons from Luther’s own pen, but collations made by Stephan Roth of notes taken by listeners in Wittenberg, originally published without Luther’s participation or permission in 1526, here revised (with Luther’s approval) by Kaspar Creutziger (Cruciger), and dedicated to Georg III von Anhalt-Plötzkau, at Wittenberg, 25 December 1544. In 1545, Nikolaus Wolrab reprinted at Leipzig Roths Festpostille, his compilation of gospel periscopes on the saints’ and festival days for the entire year, in two parts (winter and summer). Bound-in here is the summer volume.
This exceptional binding is a fine example of the diffusion of Italian Renaissance bookbinding styles, in this case from Bologna to Dresden. The binder, Jakob Weidlich settled in Dresden sometime before 1550, found work at the kursächsischen Hof (but without appointment as Hofbuchbinder), and in 1564 cofounded the local bookbinders’ guild (Einbanddatenbank, workshop w003975). According to Ilse Schunke, Weidlich was a binder “adaptable and receptive to everything new” (Leben und Werk Jakob Krauses, p. 62). He studied bindings brought back from Padua by Georg Fabricius, Rektor der Fürstenschule St. Afra in Meißen, and from Bologna, by Nikolas von Ebeleben, Domherr in Meißen, and soon mastered binding “auf welsche Manier.” Two bindings now in Weimar executed by Weidlich ca. 1549–1550 might be Nikolas von Ebeleben’s first commissions. About 1553, Nikolas commissioned Weidlich to bind Luther’s works in German. Eight (of twelve) volumes of this set have survived: five in red goatskin bindings by Weidlich, these imitating Bolognese styles, and three in brown goatskin bindings by Thomas Stelbogen of Leipzig, in German style. Altogether, eleven bindings by Weidlich for Nikolas are known (Einband Forschung 18 (2006), pp. 25–33; 19 (2006), pp. 26–37). One of the volumes of Luther he bound for Nikolas will be offered in a future Bibliotheca Brookeriana sale.
The owner of the present volume, Georg (Jörg) von Ebeleben (ca. 1500–1554), was Nikolas’s brother. Five volumes from a Wittenberg edition of Luther’s works (published 1550–1552) are said to be bound similarly, in red goatskin, with “Iorge Von Ebeleben” and date 1552 lettered on the lower covers (Foot, Henry Davis Gift, 1, p. 276). Either this set was a gift from Nikolas to Georg, or Georg commissioned Weidlich to copy bindings he admired in Nikolas’s library. Another brother, Hans (ca. 1500–1569), was late to the party: his set of Luther’s works in German was bound in 1560 by Stelbogen (Foot, p. 277).
Nikolas and Georg and Hans were three of seven sons of Apel von Ebeleben (ca. 1460–1528) and Agnes von Löser. Unlike Nikolas, who matriculated at six universities (the last Ferrara, in 1546), and married late (1555), Georg skipped university, and ca. 1530 married Margarethe Zenger von Thanstein. After the death of her father, they came into possession of Hofmark Thanstein, and it remained an Ebeleben seat for one hundred years. Georg entered the service of the Schwarzburg-Leutenberg, became a councillor (fürstlicher Rat und Hofmeister) in Neumarkt, later a Palatine bailiff (pfalzgräflicher Amtmann) in Waldmünchen. In 1552, he was in the entourage of Kurfürst Friedrich II von der Pfalz; in 1553, he was appointed Hofmeister of Neunburg. Georg died 5 December 1554 and was interred in Dorfkirche Thanstein (epitaph in the vestibule). Shortly after his death this book seems to have left the possession of his family.
Weidlich’s binding for Georg is not an exact copy of those he executed on Luther’s works for Nikolas. Georg’s volume has five raised bands on the back, whereas Nikolas’s uniformly have four; the geometric bandwork on Georg’s binding is painted black, and the covers on Georg’s binding are closed by clasps (stamped “PB”). Such differences led Jutta Fliege to suggest that our volume might perhaps have emanated from a different shop (Einband Forschung 4, p. 52).
Folio (315 x 203 mm). (I) Gothic type, lines variable. collation: A6 A–Z6 a–z6 Aa–Ss6 Tt4 *6 **6: 406 leaves (Tt4 blank; the last two signatures of index are bound at the front in most other copies). Woodcut on title-page, 40 woodcuts illustrations, of which 15 by Hans Brosamer woodcut initials, all woodcuts and initials colored by a contemporary German hand, some heightened in gold. (II) Gothic type, lines variable. collation: a–l6 m8 *8: leaves (m8 and *8 blank; final quire signed *8 headed “Register der furnemsten heubtstück Christlicher lere so in diesen Postillen gehandelt sind”). Historiated woodcut title-border incorporating various Biblical scenes, 9 woodcut illustrations by Hans Brosamer 11 by another hand, woodcut initials, all also colored by a contemporary German hand. (Lower fore-edge corner torn from first title-page, d5 in first work with long repaired tear into text, c1.6 and h1.6 in second work very browned, occasional browning and marginal soiling.)
binding: Dresden red morocco (326 x 222 mm), dated 1552, by Jakob Weidlich for Georg von Ebeleben, double fillets forming an intricate strapwork design of intersecting rectangles, enameled black, interspersed with a large variety of solid ornamental and floral tools, in center interlacing strapwork lozenge with 2 triangular finials, all filled with title in gold letters on upper cover and “IORG VON EBELEBEN M:D:LII” on lower, 2 clasps, spine with 5 full and 2 half bands, compartments decorated in gilt, edges gilt and gauffered. (Minor repair to spine and corners.)
provenance: Georg von Ebeleben (1505?–1554; supralibros) — unidentified owner, inscription “Melcher von Swarewock” (?),”Aller Iurã un vagesso” (?) and date (1567, or 1561?) — Venator & Hanstein, Auktion 75, Cologne, 14–15 October 1996, lot 687, purchased by — unidentified owner (DM 65,000) — Reiss & Sohn, Auktion 86, Königstein im Taunus, 15–18 October 2002, lot 1239 & Tafel 3, purchased by — unidentified owner (€70,000). acquisition: Purchased from Librairie Thomas-Scheler, Paris, 2003.
references: (I) VD16 L-5616; USTC 669930; The New Hollstein: Hans and Martin Brosamer II, p. 84; B. Gotzkowsky, Die Buchholzschnitte Hans Brosamers in Werken Martin Luthers, p. 118, no.5; (II) VD16 L-3992; Benzing, Lutherbibliographie, no. 1127; The New Hollstein, p. 39; Gotzkowsky, pp.225–226, no. 1; for this and related bindings, see Foot, “A Leipzig Binding for Nikolaus von Ebeleben,” in The Henry Davis Gift: A Collection of Bookbindings, Volume 1: Studies in the History of Bookbinding (London, 1978), p. 276; Fliege, “Martin Luther 1483–1546: eine Ausstellung in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz,” in Das Altertum 42 (1996–1997), pp. 281–304 (pp. 301, 304); Fliege, “Die Bibel des Nikolaus von Ebeleben im Besitz der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz,” in Mitteilungen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin N.F. 7 (1998), pp. 261–295 (pp. 267, 289: “Die Staatsbibliothek hat sich sehr bemüht, dieses wertvolle Stück zu ersteigen, wurde jedoch in der Auktion weit überboten”); Fliege, “Das Porträt des Nikolaus von Ebeleben im Besitz der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz,” in Einband Forschung 4 (1999), pp. 50–61 (p. 52).
Luther, Martin. Kirchen Postilla das ist: Auslegung der Episteln vnd Euangelien von Ostern bis auff das Aduent. D. Mart. Luth. Auffs new zugericht. Wittenberg: Hans Lufft, 1550. Bound with:
Martin Luther, Auslegung der Euangelien an dem fürnemsten Festen, von Ostern bis auff Aduent. D. Mar. Luther. Leipzig: Nikolaus Wolrab, 1545
Luther’s Kirchen Postilla are sermons for the Sunday epistle and gospel passage, from Easter through the 26th Sunday after Advent (“Sommerteil”). They are not sermons from Luther’s own pen, but collations made by Stephan Roth of notes taken by listeners in Wittenberg, originally published without Luther’s participation or permission in 1526, here revised (with Luther’s approval) by Kaspar Creutziger (Cruciger), and dedicated to Georg III von Anhalt-Plötzkau, at Wittenberg, 25 December 1544. In 1545, Nikolaus Wolrab reprinted at Leipzig Roths Festpostille, his compilation of gospel periscopes on the saints’ and festival days for the entire year, in two parts (winter and summer). Bound-in here is the summer volume.
This exceptional binding is a fine example of the diffusion of Italian Renaissance bookbinding styles, in this case from Bologna to Dresden. The binder, Jakob Weidlich settled in Dresden sometime before 1550, found work at the kursächsischen Hof (but without appointment as Hofbuchbinder), and in 1564 cofounded the local bookbinders’ guild (Einbanddatenbank, workshop w003975). According to Ilse Schunke, Weidlich was a binder “adaptable and receptive to everything new” (Leben und Werk Jakob Krauses, p. 62). He studied bindings brought back from Padua by Georg Fabricius, Rektor der Fürstenschule St. Afra in Meißen, and from Bologna, by Nikolas von Ebeleben, Domherr in Meißen, and soon mastered binding “auf welsche Manier.” Two bindings now in Weimar executed by Weidlich ca. 1549–1550 might be Nikolas von Ebeleben’s first commissions. About 1553, Nikolas commissioned Weidlich to bind Luther’s works in German. Eight (of twelve) volumes of this set have survived: five in red goatskin bindings by Weidlich, these imitating Bolognese styles, and three in brown goatskin bindings by Thomas Stelbogen of Leipzig, in German style. Altogether, eleven bindings by Weidlich for Nikolas are known (Einband Forschung 18 (2006), pp. 25–33; 19 (2006), pp. 26–37). One of the volumes of Luther he bound for Nikolas will be offered in a future Bibliotheca Brookeriana sale.
The owner of the present volume, Georg (Jörg) von Ebeleben (ca. 1500–1554), was Nikolas’s brother. Five volumes from a Wittenberg edition of Luther’s works (published 1550–1552) are said to be bound similarly, in red goatskin, with “Iorge Von Ebeleben” and date 1552 lettered on the lower covers (Foot, Henry Davis Gift, 1, p. 276). Either this set was a gift from Nikolas to Georg, or Georg commissioned Weidlich to copy bindings he admired in Nikolas’s library. Another brother, Hans (ca. 1500–1569), was late to the party: his set of Luther’s works in German was bound in 1560 by Stelbogen (Foot, p. 277).
Nikolas and Georg and Hans were three of seven sons of Apel von Ebeleben (ca. 1460–1528) and Agnes von Löser. Unlike Nikolas, who matriculated at six universities (the last Ferrara, in 1546), and married late (1555), Georg skipped university, and ca. 1530 married Margarethe Zenger von Thanstein. After the death of her father, they came into possession of Hofmark Thanstein, and it remained an Ebeleben seat for one hundred years. Georg entered the service of the Schwarzburg-Leutenberg, became a councillor (fürstlicher Rat und Hofmeister) in Neumarkt, later a Palatine bailiff (pfalzgräflicher Amtmann) in Waldmünchen. In 1552, he was in the entourage of Kurfürst Friedrich II von der Pfalz; in 1553, he was appointed Hofmeister of Neunburg. Georg died 5 December 1554 and was interred in Dorfkirche Thanstein (epitaph in the vestibule). Shortly after his death this book seems to have left the possession of his family.
Weidlich’s binding for Georg is not an exact copy of those he executed on Luther’s works for Nikolas. Georg’s volume has five raised bands on the back, whereas Nikolas’s uniformly have four; the geometric bandwork on Georg’s binding is painted black, and the covers on Georg’s binding are closed by clasps (stamped “PB”). Such differences led Jutta Fliege to suggest that our volume might perhaps have emanated from a different shop (Einband Forschung 4, p. 52).
Folio (315 x 203 mm). (I) Gothic type, lines variable. collation: A6 A–Z6 a–z6 Aa–Ss6 Tt4 *6 **6: 406 leaves (Tt4 blank; the last two signatures of index are bound at the front in most other copies). Woodcut on title-page, 40 woodcuts illustrations, of which 15 by Hans Brosamer woodcut initials, all woodcuts and initials colored by a contemporary German hand, some heightened in gold. (II) Gothic type, lines variable. collation: a–l6 m8 *8: leaves (m8 and *8 blank; final quire signed *8 headed “Register der furnemsten heubtstück Christlicher lere so in diesen Postillen gehandelt sind”). Historiated woodcut title-border incorporating various Biblical scenes, 9 woodcut illustrations by Hans Brosamer 11 by another hand, woodcut initials, all also colored by a contemporary German hand. (Lower fore-edge corner torn from first title-page, d5 in first work with long repaired tear into text, c1.6 and h1.6 in second work very browned, occasional browning and marginal soiling.)
binding: Dresden red morocco (326 x 222 mm), dated 1552, by Jakob Weidlich for Georg von Ebeleben, double fillets forming an intricate strapwork design of intersecting rectangles, enameled black, interspersed with a large variety of solid ornamental and floral tools, in center interlacing strapwork lozenge with 2 triangular finials, all filled with title in gold letters on upper cover and “IORG VON EBELEBEN M:D:LII” on lower, 2 clasps, spine with 5 full and 2 half bands, compartments decorated in gilt, edges gilt and gauffered. (Minor repair to spine and corners.)
provenance: Georg von Ebeleben (1505?–1554; supralibros) — unidentified owner, inscription “Melcher von Swarewock” (?),”Aller Iurã un vagesso” (?) and date (1567, or 1561?) — Venator & Hanstein, Auktion 75, Cologne, 14–15 October 1996, lot 687, purchased by — unidentified owner (DM 65,000) — Reiss & Sohn, Auktion 86, Königstein im Taunus, 15–18 October 2002, lot 1239 & Tafel 3, purchased by — unidentified owner (€70,000). acquisition: Purchased from Librairie Thomas-Scheler, Paris, 2003.
references: (I) VD16 L-5616; USTC 669930; The New Hollstein: Hans and Martin Brosamer II, p. 84; B. Gotzkowsky, Die Buchholzschnitte Hans Brosamers in Werken Martin Luthers, p. 118, no.5; (II) VD16 L-3992; Benzing, Lutherbibliographie, no. 1127; The New Hollstein, p. 39; Gotzkowsky, pp.225–226, no. 1; for this and related bindings, see Foot, “A Leipzig Binding for Nikolaus von Ebeleben,” in The Henry Davis Gift: A Collection of Bookbindings, Volume 1: Studies in the History of Bookbinding (London, 1978), p. 276; Fliege, “Martin Luther 1483–1546: eine Ausstellung in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz,” in Das Altertum 42 (1996–1997), pp. 281–304 (pp. 301, 304); Fliege, “Die Bibel des Nikolaus von Ebeleben im Besitz der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz,” in Mitteilungen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin N.F. 7 (1998), pp. 261–295 (pp. 267, 289: “Die Staatsbibliothek hat sich sehr bemüht, dieses wertvolle Stück zu ersteigen, wurde jedoch in der Auktion weit überboten”); Fliege, “Das Porträt des Nikolaus von Ebeleben im Besitz der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz,” in Einband Forschung 4 (1999), pp. 50–61 (p. 52).
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