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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 66

Manuscript by the Aderet – “Dikdukei Sofrim”, Composition on Sefer Maaseh Torah of the Gra – Unprinted Composition

3.000 $ - 5.000 $
2.723 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 66

Manuscript by the Aderet – “Dikdukei Sofrim”, Composition on Sefer Maaseh Torah of the Gra – Unprinted Composition

3.000 $ - 5.000 $
2.723 $

Manuscript pamphlet - "Dikdukei Sofrim" - glosses, emendations and commentary to Sefer "Braisa Maaseh Torah" by the Gra, handwritten by the Aderet - R. Eliyahu David Rabinowitz-Teomim. [After 1885]. Unprinted composition. Original composition by the Aderet containing emendations, glosses and additions to Sefer Braisa Maaseh Torah. The first page contains the following in place of a title page: "Kuntres Dikdukei Sofrim - on Braisa D' Maaseh Torah attributed to R. Yehuda Hanasi, with additions by the great R. Eliyahu of Vilna, published by R. Noach Chaim of Kobryn". The Aderet continues with a short introduction describing his choice of title "Dikdukei Sofrim", in which he explains that "[the information contained in] the Braisa Maaseh Torah already existed during the times of Moses…". The book Braisa Maaseh Torah was published in its entirety by R. Noach Chaim Levin of Kobryn in Warsaw, 1885. The basis of the work is an ancient braisa called "Maaseh Torah", attributed to R. Yehuda Hanasi, compiler of the Mishna, which lists all the sayings of the Talmudic scholars (chazal) that include numbers or listings. The Vilna Gaon expanded the work by including hundreds of paragraphs from the Talmud and Tosefta; his son R. Avraham completed the work with quotations from the medrash. In the composition "Dikdukei Sofrim" the Aderet emends, corrects, and adds references and commentary. For example, regarding the addition made by R. Avraham, Section 6 (page 87), "the continuing existence of this world is acquired by six things… the continued existence of the world to come is acquired by six things…", the Aderet adds: "I will add further essentials of Torah that I have seen attributed to the Gra: Faith in G-d, [performing the] will of G-d, love, silence, fear and Torah. These attributes are implied in the first words of the Torah 'In the beginning'." R. Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Te'omim - the Aderet (1845-1905), was the rabbi of Panevėžys (Ponevezh), Mir and Jerusalem. He was renowned from his childhood for his diligent Torah study, and was known as an exceptionally erudite scholar in all aspects of the Torah from a young age, as well as for his brilliant Torah novellae. He was appointed rabbi of Panevėžys at a young age, and held the post for twenty years, after which he became rabbi of Mir. In 1902, he accepted the summons of R. Shmuel Salant, the aged rabbi of Jerusalem, to assist and succeed him as rabbi of Jerusalem. In 1905, approximately two and a half years after immigrating to Jerusalem, the Aderet passed away at the age of 60, during the lifetime of R. Shmuel Salant [who passed away in 1909 aged almost 100]. He left behind more than 100 manuscripts, most of which were never printed. His son-in-law was R. Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, Chief Rabbi of Eretz Israel. [10] leaves (20 written pages, numbered: 193-[204], 207-[214] pp. - it is unclear whether the page before page 207 is missing, or whether the pagination is incorrect. It is also possible that the final leaf of the manuscript is missing). 21.5 cm. Brittle, fragile paper. Good-fair condition. Tears and wear with slight damage to the text. Stains. Detached pages. Without binding.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 66
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048

Manuscript pamphlet - "Dikdukei Sofrim" - glosses, emendations and commentary to Sefer "Braisa Maaseh Torah" by the Gra, handwritten by the Aderet - R. Eliyahu David Rabinowitz-Teomim. [After 1885]. Unprinted composition. Original composition by the Aderet containing emendations, glosses and additions to Sefer Braisa Maaseh Torah. The first page contains the following in place of a title page: "Kuntres Dikdukei Sofrim - on Braisa D' Maaseh Torah attributed to R. Yehuda Hanasi, with additions by the great R. Eliyahu of Vilna, published by R. Noach Chaim of Kobryn". The Aderet continues with a short introduction describing his choice of title "Dikdukei Sofrim", in which he explains that "[the information contained in] the Braisa Maaseh Torah already existed during the times of Moses…". The book Braisa Maaseh Torah was published in its entirety by R. Noach Chaim Levin of Kobryn in Warsaw, 1885. The basis of the work is an ancient braisa called "Maaseh Torah", attributed to R. Yehuda Hanasi, compiler of the Mishna, which lists all the sayings of the Talmudic scholars (chazal) that include numbers or listings. The Vilna Gaon expanded the work by including hundreds of paragraphs from the Talmud and Tosefta; his son R. Avraham completed the work with quotations from the medrash. In the composition "Dikdukei Sofrim" the Aderet emends, corrects, and adds references and commentary. For example, regarding the addition made by R. Avraham, Section 6 (page 87), "the continuing existence of this world is acquired by six things… the continued existence of the world to come is acquired by six things…", the Aderet adds: "I will add further essentials of Torah that I have seen attributed to the Gra: Faith in G-d, [performing the] will of G-d, love, silence, fear and Torah. These attributes are implied in the first words of the Torah 'In the beginning'." R. Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Te'omim - the Aderet (1845-1905), was the rabbi of Panevėžys (Ponevezh), Mir and Jerusalem. He was renowned from his childhood for his diligent Torah study, and was known as an exceptionally erudite scholar in all aspects of the Torah from a young age, as well as for his brilliant Torah novellae. He was appointed rabbi of Panevėžys at a young age, and held the post for twenty years, after which he became rabbi of Mir. In 1902, he accepted the summons of R. Shmuel Salant, the aged rabbi of Jerusalem, to assist and succeed him as rabbi of Jerusalem. In 1905, approximately two and a half years after immigrating to Jerusalem, the Aderet passed away at the age of 60, during the lifetime of R. Shmuel Salant [who passed away in 1909 aged almost 100]. He left behind more than 100 manuscripts, most of which were never printed. His son-in-law was R. Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, Chief Rabbi of Eretz Israel. [10] leaves (20 written pages, numbered: 193-[204], 207-[214] pp. - it is unclear whether the page before page 207 is missing, or whether the pagination is incorrect. It is also possible that the final leaf of the manuscript is missing). 21.5 cm. Brittle, fragile paper. Good-fair condition. Tears and wear with slight damage to the text. Stains. Detached pages. Without binding.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 66
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048
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