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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 270

MONROE, JAMES, President . Autograph letter signed ("James Monroe") as President, to an unidentified recipient, Washington, D.C., 28 February 1823. 2 pages, 4to, 245 x 195mm. (9 1/2 x 8 in.), integral blank, docketed on verso, lightly browned, partia...

Auction 17.05.1996
1.500 $ - 2.000 $
1.495 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 270

MONROE, JAMES, President . Autograph letter signed ("James Monroe") as President, to an unidentified recipient, Washington, D.C., 28 February 1823. 2 pages, 4to, 245 x 195mm. (9 1/2 x 8 in.), integral blank, docketed on verso, lightly browned, partia...

Auction 17.05.1996
1.500 $ - 2.000 $
1.495 $

MONROE, JAMES, President . Autograph letter signed ("James Monroe") as President, to an unidentified recipient, Washington, D.C., 28 February 1823. 2 pages, 4to, 245 x 195mm. (9 1/2 x 8 in.), integral blank, docketed on verso, lightly browned, partial separation at central fold . THE PRESIDENT IN DEBT Monroe to an apparent creditor: "The gentleman who presented me your letter, handed me at the same time, a note, as I understood for signature, promising to pay at the end of sixty days [$6,000]...which I signed...I would do any thing whatsoever in the way of sacrifice, to raise the money to accommodate the bank...but having taxed my near connections in N[ew] York (temporarily as I trust) to meet the d[ra]ft for $10,000, it seems to be impossible for me to impose on them this new obligation...If you can make any arrangement, to which my responsibility can give effect, I will most cheerfully accede...The well disposed to afford me every aid...founded on the valuation of a large island in Albermarle [Virginia]...It is peculiarly unfortunate that this should press as this moment, when I have so many urgent concerns to attend to..." Approximately eight months later the President would deliver his most famous message, the Monroe Doctrine, forbidding European nations to establish new colonies in either North or South America. The doctrine would have an extraordinarily long lasting effect on relations between the United States and Europe. *This lot may be exempt from sales tax, as set forth in the Sales Tax Notice at the front of the catalogue.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 270
New York, Park Avenue

MONROE, JAMES, President . Autograph letter signed ("James Monroe") as President, to an unidentified recipient, Washington, D.C., 28 February 1823. 2 pages, 4to, 245 x 195mm. (9 1/2 x 8 in.), integral blank, docketed on verso, lightly browned, partial separation at central fold . THE PRESIDENT IN DEBT Monroe to an apparent creditor: "The gentleman who presented me your letter, handed me at the same time, a note, as I understood for signature, promising to pay at the end of sixty days [$6,000]...which I signed...I would do any thing whatsoever in the way of sacrifice, to raise the money to accommodate the bank...but having taxed my near connections in N[ew] York (temporarily as I trust) to meet the d[ra]ft for $10,000, it seems to be impossible for me to impose on them this new obligation...If you can make any arrangement, to which my responsibility can give effect, I will most cheerfully accede...The well disposed to afford me every aid...founded on the valuation of a large island in Albermarle [Virginia]...It is peculiarly unfortunate that this should press as this moment, when I have so many urgent concerns to attend to..." Approximately eight months later the President would deliver his most famous message, the Monroe Doctrine, forbidding European nations to establish new colonies in either North or South America. The doctrine would have an extraordinarily long lasting effect on relations between the United States and Europe. *This lot may be exempt from sales tax, as set forth in the Sales Tax Notice at the front of the catalogue.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 270
New York, Park Avenue
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