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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 200

Nürnbergische Hesperides, oder Gründliche Beschreibung der edlen Citronat-, Citronen- und Pomerantzen-Früchte [...]. Beneben der Flora, oder curiosen Vorstellung verschiedener raren Blumen samt eine Zugabe etlicher anderer Gewächse [...]. [- Continua...

18.000 €
ca. 19.507 $
n. a.
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 200

Nürnbergische Hesperides, oder Gründliche Beschreibung der edlen Citronat-, Citronen- und Pomerantzen-Früchte [...]. Beneben der Flora, oder curiosen Vorstellung verschiedener raren Blumen samt eine Zugabe etlicher anderer Gewächse [...]. [- Continua...

18.000 €
ca. 19.507 $
n. a.

(Botanique) -   - VOLCKAMER, Johann Christoph.-   Nürnbergische Hesperides, oder Gründliche Beschreibung der edlen Citronat-, Citronen- und Pomerantzen-Früchte [...]. Beneben der Flora, oder curiosen Vorstellung verschiedener raren Blumen samt eine Zugabe etlicher anderer Gewächse [...]. [- Continuation der Nürnbergischen Hesperidum, oder Fernere gründliche Beschreibung [...]]. NÜRNBERG,  JOHANN ANDREAE  ENDTERS SEEL. SOHN UND ERBEN,   1708 [- 1714]. 9 parts in 2 vol. in-f° : [16]-255-[8]-17-[3] pp., [21]-239-[4] lvs; 251 (on 252) plates (missing plate "Lima romana", clear marginal staining at innerfold and bottom of vol. I, stain on pl. p. 236, small marginal wormhole at innerfold of first 50 pages of vol. I, bottom of half-title, title-page and front. of vol. II remargined, clear waterstain with mould at the bottom of vol. II, some small marginal tears repaired). Contemporary bindings : pigskin, boards with rectangular patterns of blind stamped fillets and roll-stamps, ribbed spines, red sprinkeld edges, clasps (handwritten vol. number and date in blue pencil on spines, slightly rubbed, clear dampstain at the bottom of 2 boards). FIRST EDITION of this VERY RARE "attractive book with decorative plates of fruit, landscape and houses" (cfr Sitwell). "An astonishing book with a series of magnificent plates in which the fruits are almost subordinate to views of gardens. A few of these are Italian [Verona, Venice, Lake Garda...] but they mostly illustrate those of the German [noble and] patrician families [Nürnberg, Passau, Schönbrunn...]" (cfr Plesh). PRESTIGIOUS PUBLICATION by Volckamer (Nürnberg 1644-1720) who, all in the tradition of the noble and wealthy families of the 17th Century, was interested in the art of the garden and particulary in cultivating varieties of citrus fruits. Vol. I contains 18 vignettes, a frontispiece, 4 engraved titles and 111 plates (7 folding) of prestigious gardens and large fruits, mostly citrus, floating over gardens, palaces, townhouses and landscapes, some plates figure flowers, seeds or vegetables, some a sun-dial, methods to draw perspective views of gardens, the "Columnae milliarum" and the "Obeliscus Constantinopolis". Vol. II contains 7 vignettes, a frontispiece, 4 engraved titles and 130 plates (17 folding) of gardens and fruits, again mostly citrus but also pineapple and coconut. Most of the fruit drawings are by J. Chr. Volckamer himself while the perspective views of gardens and palaces are by Paul Decker the Elder and the Younger. # Nissen, BBI, 2076 and 2078 (totalises only 249 plates, all included); # Hunt 420; # Sitwell 148 (1st vol. only); # Plesch 798 (id.); # Pritzel 9848, 9849; # "Livres de fruits". [Cat. expo] Namur, 1992, pp. 135-140; # "Images de Jardins". [Cat. expo] Namur, 1996, p. 143 (2nd vol. only). Provenance : Count Félix Goblet d'Alviella (1884-1957, lawyer and specialist in forestry (emblazoned ex-libris; # de Jonghe d'Ardoye 734); Clemens Reitmayer, Brüssel (id.). -- Ouvrage de prestige consacré principalement à la culture des agrumes et à l'art du jardin par un patricien allemand. Illustré de 2 frontispices et 8 titres gravés, 241 planches principalement de fruits représentés à une très grande échelle et donnant l'impression de flotter au dessus de jardins, de palais ou de paysages avec architectures. Pleine peau de truie estampée de l'ép. (manque 1 pl. au vol. I, mouill. en queue des 2 vol. et moisissures en bas du vol. II, qqs pet. imperfections).

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 200
Librairie Henri Godts
Avenue Louise 230
1050 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 6478548
+32 (0)2 6407332

(Botanique) -   - VOLCKAMER, Johann Christoph.-   Nürnbergische Hesperides, oder Gründliche Beschreibung der edlen Citronat-, Citronen- und Pomerantzen-Früchte [...]. Beneben der Flora, oder curiosen Vorstellung verschiedener raren Blumen samt eine Zugabe etlicher anderer Gewächse [...]. [- Continuation der Nürnbergischen Hesperidum, oder Fernere gründliche Beschreibung [...]]. NÜRNBERG,  JOHANN ANDREAE  ENDTERS SEEL. SOHN UND ERBEN,   1708 [- 1714]. 9 parts in 2 vol. in-f° : [16]-255-[8]-17-[3] pp., [21]-239-[4] lvs; 251 (on 252) plates (missing plate "Lima romana", clear marginal staining at innerfold and bottom of vol. I, stain on pl. p. 236, small marginal wormhole at innerfold of first 50 pages of vol. I, bottom of half-title, title-page and front. of vol. II remargined, clear waterstain with mould at the bottom of vol. II, some small marginal tears repaired). Contemporary bindings : pigskin, boards with rectangular patterns of blind stamped fillets and roll-stamps, ribbed spines, red sprinkeld edges, clasps (handwritten vol. number and date in blue pencil on spines, slightly rubbed, clear dampstain at the bottom of 2 boards). FIRST EDITION of this VERY RARE "attractive book with decorative plates of fruit, landscape and houses" (cfr Sitwell). "An astonishing book with a series of magnificent plates in which the fruits are almost subordinate to views of gardens. A few of these are Italian [Verona, Venice, Lake Garda...] but they mostly illustrate those of the German [noble and] patrician families [Nürnberg, Passau, Schönbrunn...]" (cfr Plesh). PRESTIGIOUS PUBLICATION by Volckamer (Nürnberg 1644-1720) who, all in the tradition of the noble and wealthy families of the 17th Century, was interested in the art of the garden and particulary in cultivating varieties of citrus fruits. Vol. I contains 18 vignettes, a frontispiece, 4 engraved titles and 111 plates (7 folding) of prestigious gardens and large fruits, mostly citrus, floating over gardens, palaces, townhouses and landscapes, some plates figure flowers, seeds or vegetables, some a sun-dial, methods to draw perspective views of gardens, the "Columnae milliarum" and the "Obeliscus Constantinopolis". Vol. II contains 7 vignettes, a frontispiece, 4 engraved titles and 130 plates (17 folding) of gardens and fruits, again mostly citrus but also pineapple and coconut. Most of the fruit drawings are by J. Chr. Volckamer himself while the perspective views of gardens and palaces are by Paul Decker the Elder and the Younger. # Nissen, BBI, 2076 and 2078 (totalises only 249 plates, all included); # Hunt 420; # Sitwell 148 (1st vol. only); # Plesch 798 (id.); # Pritzel 9848, 9849; # "Livres de fruits". [Cat. expo] Namur, 1992, pp. 135-140; # "Images de Jardins". [Cat. expo] Namur, 1996, p. 143 (2nd vol. only). Provenance : Count Félix Goblet d'Alviella (1884-1957, lawyer and specialist in forestry (emblazoned ex-libris; # de Jonghe d'Ardoye 734); Clemens Reitmayer, Brüssel (id.). -- Ouvrage de prestige consacré principalement à la culture des agrumes et à l'art du jardin par un patricien allemand. Illustré de 2 frontispices et 8 titres gravés, 241 planches principalement de fruits représentés à une très grande échelle et donnant l'impression de flotter au dessus de jardins, de palais ou de paysages avec architectures. Pleine peau de truie estampée de l'ép. (manque 1 pl. au vol. I, mouill. en queue des 2 vol. et moisissures en bas du vol. II, qqs pet. imperfections).

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 200
Librairie Henri Godts
Avenue Louise 230
1050 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 6478548
+32 (0)2 6407332
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