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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 88

PETRARCA (attributed to) -- [Coluccio SALUTATI (1331-1406)]. Ars punctandi . - JOHANNES DE LAPIDE. Dialogus de arte punctandi . - Generales punctorum . - Artis huius regulae aliquae . [Leipzig: Arnoldus de Colonia], 18 July 1493. Chancery 4°. Collati...

Auction 26.03.2003
2.000 £ - 3.000 £
ca. 3.166 $ - 4.749 $
4.182 £
ca. 6.620 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 88

PETRARCA (attributed to) -- [Coluccio SALUTATI (1331-1406)]. Ars punctandi . - JOHANNES DE LAPIDE. Dialogus de arte punctandi . - Generales punctorum . - Artis huius regulae aliquae . [Leipzig: Arnoldus de Colonia], 18 July 1493. Chancery 4°. Collati...

Auction 26.03.2003
2.000 £ - 3.000 £
ca. 3.166 $ - 4.749 $
4.182 £
ca. 6.620 $

PETRARCA (attributed to) -- [Coluccio SALUTATI (1331-1406)]. Ars punctandi . - JOHANNES DE LAPIDE. Dialogus de arte punctandi . - Generales punctorum . - Artis huius regulae aliquae . [Leipzig: Arnoldus de Colonia], 18 July 1493. Chancery 4°. Collation: Aa 6 (Aa1r text, Aa6 blank). 6 leaves. 25 lines. Type: 1:81G, 2:160G. 5- and 3-line initial space opening text. FIRST EDITION of a treatise on interpunctuation. It was a subject much discussed by humanists, primarily in Italy, but it was also the subject of lectures by Peter Luder at Leipzig in 1462. Although attributed in German-language manuscripts as well as in this printed edition to Petrarch, the text has more recently been assigned to Salutati (cf. R. Hirsch, Printing, Selling and Reading , 1967, p.137). The Dialogus which accompanies it is also attributed to Guillaume Fichet (cf. E. Beltran, Scriptorium , 39 (1985), pp.284- 91). H *12830; BSB-Ink P-288; Goff P-366 (one copy only, at Cornell). [ Bound fifth in a Sammelband with the following works :] ANDRELINUS, Publius Faustus (1460-1518). Epistole proverbiales & morales . Strassburg: Matthias Schürer, April 1519. 4°. Collation: Aa-Bb 4 Cc 6. 4-part woodcut title border. (Neat tear into text in Cc6.) Not in Adams; not in BLSTC German . ERASMUS, Desiderius (c.1466-1536). Familiarium Colloquiorum Formulae . - De Ratione studii . - Epistola Paraenetica . [Augsburg: Silvan Otmar, c.1520]. 4°. Collation: A-H 4, a 4-leaf quire of blank paper is inserted between D and E. Bezzel, Erasmusdrucke , 441; BLSTC German , p. 279. ERASMUS -- CATO, Marcus Porcius. Praecepta moralia , translated by Erasmus. - PUBLILIUS Syrus (fl. c.45 A.D.). Mimi , edited by Erasmus. - ERASMUS. Institutio hominis Christiani . - ISOCRATES. Paraenesis ad Demonicum , translated by R. Agricola and edited by M. Dorpus. - EPICTETUS. Enchiridion , translated from Greek into Latin by Angelo Politiano. Strassburg: Matthias Schürer, November 1517. 4°. Collation: \Kp\k 4 A 4 B 8 C-D 4 E-H 8 . 4 I 6. Woodcut historiated title border, woodcut printer's device at end. (Neat tear in C3.) Bezzel 317. SENECA, Lucius Annaeus (c.4 B.C.-65 A.D.). Ad Lucillium epistolarum opus de vivendi ratione . Edited by Hermann Buscius. [Cologne: sons of H. Quentell, c.1505]. Collation: A-E 6 F 4 G-I 6 K 4 L 6 An additional quire M 4, not called for by Adams but clearly part of the edition and present in the British Library copies, is misbound before ps-Petrarca. It contains a Life of Seneca and other subsidiary texts. Adams S-920; BLSTC German , p.809. VERGIL, Polydore (c.1470-1555). De inventoribus rerum libri tres . - Marcus Antonius SABELLICUS. De artium inventoribus . Strassburg: Matthias Schürer, June 1512. 4°. Initial spaces with guide-letters. 6 works in one volume (189 x 134mm). (Some browning, a little worming in text at beginnning and end, light dampstain in a few quires.) Contemporary German half pigskin tooled in blind with rolls, two fore-edge catches without clasps, remains of paper spine labels (a little wear at head of spine).

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 88
London, King Street

PETRARCA (attributed to) -- [Coluccio SALUTATI (1331-1406)]. Ars punctandi . - JOHANNES DE LAPIDE. Dialogus de arte punctandi . - Generales punctorum . - Artis huius regulae aliquae . [Leipzig: Arnoldus de Colonia], 18 July 1493. Chancery 4°. Collation: Aa 6 (Aa1r text, Aa6 blank). 6 leaves. 25 lines. Type: 1:81G, 2:160G. 5- and 3-line initial space opening text. FIRST EDITION of a treatise on interpunctuation. It was a subject much discussed by humanists, primarily in Italy, but it was also the subject of lectures by Peter Luder at Leipzig in 1462. Although attributed in German-language manuscripts as well as in this printed edition to Petrarch, the text has more recently been assigned to Salutati (cf. R. Hirsch, Printing, Selling and Reading , 1967, p.137). The Dialogus which accompanies it is also attributed to Guillaume Fichet (cf. E. Beltran, Scriptorium , 39 (1985), pp.284- 91). H *12830; BSB-Ink P-288; Goff P-366 (one copy only, at Cornell). [ Bound fifth in a Sammelband with the following works :] ANDRELINUS, Publius Faustus (1460-1518). Epistole proverbiales & morales . Strassburg: Matthias Schürer, April 1519. 4°. Collation: Aa-Bb 4 Cc 6. 4-part woodcut title border. (Neat tear into text in Cc6.) Not in Adams; not in BLSTC German . ERASMUS, Desiderius (c.1466-1536). Familiarium Colloquiorum Formulae . - De Ratione studii . - Epistola Paraenetica . [Augsburg: Silvan Otmar, c.1520]. 4°. Collation: A-H 4, a 4-leaf quire of blank paper is inserted between D and E. Bezzel, Erasmusdrucke , 441; BLSTC German , p. 279. ERASMUS -- CATO, Marcus Porcius. Praecepta moralia , translated by Erasmus. - PUBLILIUS Syrus (fl. c.45 A.D.). Mimi , edited by Erasmus. - ERASMUS. Institutio hominis Christiani . - ISOCRATES. Paraenesis ad Demonicum , translated by R. Agricola and edited by M. Dorpus. - EPICTETUS. Enchiridion , translated from Greek into Latin by Angelo Politiano. Strassburg: Matthias Schürer, November 1517. 4°. Collation: \Kp\k 4 A 4 B 8 C-D 4 E-H 8 . 4 I 6. Woodcut historiated title border, woodcut printer's device at end. (Neat tear in C3.) Bezzel 317. SENECA, Lucius Annaeus (c.4 B.C.-65 A.D.). Ad Lucillium epistolarum opus de vivendi ratione . Edited by Hermann Buscius. [Cologne: sons of H. Quentell, c.1505]. Collation: A-E 6 F 4 G-I 6 K 4 L 6 An additional quire M 4, not called for by Adams but clearly part of the edition and present in the British Library copies, is misbound before ps-Petrarca. It contains a Life of Seneca and other subsidiary texts. Adams S-920; BLSTC German , p.809. VERGIL, Polydore (c.1470-1555). De inventoribus rerum libri tres . - Marcus Antonius SABELLICUS. De artium inventoribus . Strassburg: Matthias Schürer, June 1512. 4°. Initial spaces with guide-letters. 6 works in one volume (189 x 134mm). (Some browning, a little worming in text at beginnning and end, light dampstain in a few quires.) Contemporary German half pigskin tooled in blind with rolls, two fore-edge catches without clasps, remains of paper spine labels (a little wear at head of spine).

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 88
London, King Street
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