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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 450

POLLARD, A.W. & REDGRAVE. Short Title Catalogue... 1475-1640. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged... by W.A. Jackson & F.S. Ferguson completed by Katherine F. Pantzer. London, 1976-86-91. 3 volumes, cloth; dust jackets -- WING, DONALD. Short Title Cat...

Auction 09.10.1996
800 $ - 1.200 $
460 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 450

POLLARD, A.W. & REDGRAVE. Short Title Catalogue... 1475-1640. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged... by W.A. Jackson & F.S. Ferguson completed by Katherine F. Pantzer. London, 1976-86-91. 3 volumes, cloth; dust jackets -- WING, DONALD. Short Title Cat...

Auction 09.10.1996
800 $ - 1.200 $
460 $

POLLARD, A.W. & REDGRAVE. Short Title Catalogue... 1475-1640. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged... by W.A. Jackson & F.S. Ferguson completed by Katherine F. Pantzer. London, 1976-86-91. 3 volumes, cloth; dust jackets -- WING, DONALD. Short Title Catalogue... 1641-1700... Second edition, revised & enlarged. Volumes I-II. New York, 1972-82; Volume III. New York, 1951. 3 volumes, cloth. [With:] BISHOP, W.W. A Checklist of American Copies of "Short Title Catalogue" Books. Ann Arbor, 1950. Second Edition -- RAMAGE, D. A Finding-List of English Books to 1640 in Libraries in the British Isles. Durham, 1958 -- WING, DONALD. A Gallery of Ghosts. Yale, 1967 -- MORRISON, PAUL G. Index... 1475-1640. Charlottesville, 1950 -- MORRISON. Index to Wing. Charlottesville, 1955 -- and 5 others. (16)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 450
New York, East

POLLARD, A.W. & REDGRAVE. Short Title Catalogue... 1475-1640. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged... by W.A. Jackson & F.S. Ferguson completed by Katherine F. Pantzer. London, 1976-86-91. 3 volumes, cloth; dust jackets -- WING, DONALD. Short Title Catalogue... 1641-1700... Second edition, revised & enlarged. Volumes I-II. New York, 1972-82; Volume III. New York, 1951. 3 volumes, cloth. [With:] BISHOP, W.W. A Checklist of American Copies of "Short Title Catalogue" Books. Ann Arbor, 1950. Second Edition -- RAMAGE, D. A Finding-List of English Books to 1640 in Libraries in the British Isles. Durham, 1958 -- WING, DONALD. A Gallery of Ghosts. Yale, 1967 -- MORRISON, PAUL G. Index... 1475-1640. Charlottesville, 1950 -- MORRISON. Index to Wing. Charlottesville, 1955 -- and 5 others. (16)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 450
New York, East
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