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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 452

PRINT REFERENCE]. PRINT PRICES CURRENT. Vols. I-XVIII. London, 1920-30. 18 volumes -- DIX, E.R. Printing in Dublin Prior to 1601. Second edition. New York, n.d. -- CONWAY, WILLIAM MARTIN. The Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the Fifteenth Century. L...

Auction 09.10.1996
500 $ - 700 $
2.185 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 452

PRINT REFERENCE]. PRINT PRICES CURRENT. Vols. I-XVIII. London, 1920-30. 18 volumes -- DIX, E.R. Printing in Dublin Prior to 1601. Second edition. New York, n.d. -- CONWAY, WILLIAM MARTIN. The Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the Fifteenth Century. L...

Auction 09.10.1996
500 $ - 700 $
2.185 $

PRINT REFERENCE]. PRINT PRICES CURRENT. Vols. I-XVIII. London, 1920-30. 18 volumes -- DIX, E.R. Printing in Dublin Prior to 1601. Second edition. New York, n.d. -- CONWAY, WILLIAM MARTIN The Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the Fifteenth Century. London, 1961. 3 parts bound in one volume -- HIND, ARTHUR[-CORBETT, M. and M. NORTON]. Engraving in England in the Sixteenth Centuries. Vols. I-II[-III]. Cambridge, 1952-64. 3 volumes -- ROBERT-DUMESNIL, A.P.F.[-DE BAUDICOUR, P.]. Le Peintre-Graveur. Paris, 1835-59. 10 parts in 7 volumes (including 2-part Supplement bound in one vol.) -- BRITISH MUSEUM. Illustrations to the Catalogue of Early Italian Engravings preserved in the... London, 1909-10. 2 volumes (including plate vol.) -- [ANON.]. Universal Catalogue of Books on Art. Vols. I-III. New York, n.d. 3 volumes (including Supplement) -- MORRISON, ALFRED. The Collection of Engravings formed between the years 1860-68 by... N.p., 1868 -- LOTZ, ARTHUR. Bibliographie der modelbücher. Leipzig, 1933 -- GOLDSMITH, ELIZABETH E. Sacred Symbols in Art. Second edition. New York and London, n.d. -- VERGA, ETTORE. Bibliografia Vinciana, 1493-1930. Bologna, 1931 -- CONNINGHAM, FREDERIC. Currier & Ives Prints. New York, n.d. -- CHAMBERLAIN, MARY W. Guide to Art Reference Books. Chicago, 1959 -- O'NEAL, WILLIAM BAINTER. Jefferson's Fine Arts Library. Charlottesville, n.d. -- VOLKMANN, LUDWIG. Iconografia Dantesca. London, 1899 -- SCHRETLEN, J. Dutch and Flemish Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century. New York, 1969 -- KURTH, WILLI, Ed. The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer New York, n.d. -- and approximately 220 others including catalogues and pamphlets. Together approximately 260 volumes, various sizes, various bindings, condition varies. (260)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 452
New York, East

PRINT REFERENCE]. PRINT PRICES CURRENT. Vols. I-XVIII. London, 1920-30. 18 volumes -- DIX, E.R. Printing in Dublin Prior to 1601. Second edition. New York, n.d. -- CONWAY, WILLIAM MARTIN The Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the Fifteenth Century. London, 1961. 3 parts bound in one volume -- HIND, ARTHUR[-CORBETT, M. and M. NORTON]. Engraving in England in the Sixteenth Centuries. Vols. I-II[-III]. Cambridge, 1952-64. 3 volumes -- ROBERT-DUMESNIL, A.P.F.[-DE BAUDICOUR, P.]. Le Peintre-Graveur. Paris, 1835-59. 10 parts in 7 volumes (including 2-part Supplement bound in one vol.) -- BRITISH MUSEUM. Illustrations to the Catalogue of Early Italian Engravings preserved in the... London, 1909-10. 2 volumes (including plate vol.) -- [ANON.]. Universal Catalogue of Books on Art. Vols. I-III. New York, n.d. 3 volumes (including Supplement) -- MORRISON, ALFRED. The Collection of Engravings formed between the years 1860-68 by... N.p., 1868 -- LOTZ, ARTHUR. Bibliographie der modelbücher. Leipzig, 1933 -- GOLDSMITH, ELIZABETH E. Sacred Symbols in Art. Second edition. New York and London, n.d. -- VERGA, ETTORE. Bibliografia Vinciana, 1493-1930. Bologna, 1931 -- CONNINGHAM, FREDERIC. Currier & Ives Prints. New York, n.d. -- CHAMBERLAIN, MARY W. Guide to Art Reference Books. Chicago, 1959 -- O'NEAL, WILLIAM BAINTER. Jefferson's Fine Arts Library. Charlottesville, n.d. -- VOLKMANN, LUDWIG. Iconografia Dantesca. London, 1899 -- SCHRETLEN, J. Dutch and Flemish Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century. New York, 1969 -- KURTH, WILLI, Ed. The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer New York, n.d. -- and approximately 220 others including catalogues and pamphlets. Together approximately 260 volumes, various sizes, various bindings, condition varies. (260)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 452
New York, East
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