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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 462

Printed “Mizrah” – Prague, 1878

0 $
1.000 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 462

Printed “Mizrah” – Prague, 1878

0 $
1.000 $

Biblisches Tableau / printed "Mizrah" plaque. Prague: Wolf Pascheles 1878. Lithograph on thick paper. Printed in the center of the plaque are the words "Mizrah", "Mitzad Zeh Ruach Chaim" (from this direction comes the spirit of life - in Hebrew, the initials of Mizrah), and "Shiviti Hashem Lenegdi Tamid" (I have set the Lord always before me). Surrounding the words are illustrations of Moses holding the Tablets of the Law (with the Ten Commandments printed in Hebrew), and Aaron the High priest beside a seven-branched menorah. On the top part of the plaque are symbols of the twelve tribes of Israel, surmounted by a crown topped by a Star of David. Printed on the left and right margins of the page are illustrations of trees, incorporating six medallions with Biblical scenes, including the Binding of Isaac, Joseph in Egypt, the spies carrying a cluster of grapes, and more (each scene is described in German). Approx. 38X45 cm. Good condition. Stains and slight defects.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 462
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048

Biblisches Tableau / printed "Mizrah" plaque. Prague: Wolf Pascheles 1878. Lithograph on thick paper. Printed in the center of the plaque are the words "Mizrah", "Mitzad Zeh Ruach Chaim" (from this direction comes the spirit of life - in Hebrew, the initials of Mizrah), and "Shiviti Hashem Lenegdi Tamid" (I have set the Lord always before me). Surrounding the words are illustrations of Moses holding the Tablets of the Law (with the Ten Commandments printed in Hebrew), and Aaron the High priest beside a seven-branched menorah. On the top part of the plaque are symbols of the twelve tribes of Israel, surmounted by a crown topped by a Star of David. Printed on the left and right margins of the page are illustrations of trees, incorporating six medallions with Biblical scenes, including the Binding of Isaac, Joseph in Egypt, the spies carrying a cluster of grapes, and more (each scene is described in German). Approx. 38X45 cm. Good condition. Stains and slight defects.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 462
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048
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