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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 328

SHELLEY, MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT (author of Frankenstein, second wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley). Autograph letter signed ("M Shelley") to [Marianna Hammond], Putney, n.d. [1844?], 3 pages, 8vo, first page with black mourning border , regarding a social en...

Auction 05.12.1991
700 $ - 900 $
3.080 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 328

SHELLEY, MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT (author of Frankenstein, second wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley). Autograph letter signed ("M Shelley") to [Marianna Hammond], Putney, n.d. [1844?], 3 pages, 8vo, first page with black mourning border , regarding a social en...

Auction 05.12.1991
700 $ - 900 $
3.080 $

SHELLEY, MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT (author of Frankenstein, second wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley . Autograph letter signed ("M Shelley") to [Marianna Hammond], Putney, n.d. [1844?], 3 pages, 8vo, first page with black mourning border , regarding a social engagement: "I never heard of any thing so abominable -- & do not imagine that I mean to condone this treatment -- a few hours!...Reform your notions of things -- You must come & spend a few days with me before you go...and we will go to the opera & French play & you shall have a little fun before you are buried..."--SHELLEY, Sir TIMOTHY (father of the poet). Autograph letter signed ("T: Shelley") to "Lt. Col. Lee, or Officer Commanding 16th Lr. Dragoons, Guildford," Field Place, 26 November 1797, 1 1/2 pages, 4to, integral address leaf with wax seal intact and with seal tear, regarding the possible prosecution of "a Person who had knowningly detain'd some cloathing belonging to a Deserter of the 16th Dragoons..."--GODWIN, WILLIAM (author, publisher, and father of Mary Shelley). Autograph letter signed ("W Godwin") to "Dear Sir," n.p., 2 January 1808, 2 pages, 4to, apparently regarding illustrations for a children's book: " expressed a wish to receive a sketch in prose of the thing we desired...I therefore inclose two scribbles with which I would not otherwise have troubled you. That in small writing is the production of my daughter [Mary] in her eleventh year, & is strictly modelled, as far as her infant talents would allow, on Dibdin's song...The other is written by a young man of twenty. It is rather unintelligible: but the first two stanzas may afford you a hint respecting the first two designs. The more what you shall favour us with shall be purely your own, the more I am well satisfied it will be found. The whole object is to keep up the joke of Nong Tong Paro being constantly taken for the greatest man in France..."; Autograph letter signed (in full) to Charles Ollier of the publishing firm Ollier & Bentley, [London], 10 May [1831], one page, 4to, with integral address leaf (small seal hole) : "...I stand in need immediately, as matériel for the work in which I am engaged, of the Life of James Hardy Vaus, &---of Vidocq, being No. 13, & Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28 of the Autobiography, first published by John Hunt, now by Whitaker..." Each letter with typed transcript. (Milne) (4)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 328
New York, Park Avenue

SHELLEY, MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT (author of Frankenstein, second wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley . Autograph letter signed ("M Shelley") to [Marianna Hammond], Putney, n.d. [1844?], 3 pages, 8vo, first page with black mourning border , regarding a social engagement: "I never heard of any thing so abominable -- & do not imagine that I mean to condone this treatment -- a few hours!...Reform your notions of things -- You must come & spend a few days with me before you go...and we will go to the opera & French play & you shall have a little fun before you are buried..."--SHELLEY, Sir TIMOTHY (father of the poet). Autograph letter signed ("T: Shelley") to "Lt. Col. Lee, or Officer Commanding 16th Lr. Dragoons, Guildford," Field Place, 26 November 1797, 1 1/2 pages, 4to, integral address leaf with wax seal intact and with seal tear, regarding the possible prosecution of "a Person who had knowningly detain'd some cloathing belonging to a Deserter of the 16th Dragoons..."--GODWIN, WILLIAM (author, publisher, and father of Mary Shelley). Autograph letter signed ("W Godwin") to "Dear Sir," n.p., 2 January 1808, 2 pages, 4to, apparently regarding illustrations for a children's book: " expressed a wish to receive a sketch in prose of the thing we desired...I therefore inclose two scribbles with which I would not otherwise have troubled you. That in small writing is the production of my daughter [Mary] in her eleventh year, & is strictly modelled, as far as her infant talents would allow, on Dibdin's song...The other is written by a young man of twenty. It is rather unintelligible: but the first two stanzas may afford you a hint respecting the first two designs. The more what you shall favour us with shall be purely your own, the more I am well satisfied it will be found. The whole object is to keep up the joke of Nong Tong Paro being constantly taken for the greatest man in France..."; Autograph letter signed (in full) to Charles Ollier of the publishing firm Ollier & Bentley, [London], 10 May [1831], one page, 4to, with integral address leaf (small seal hole) : "...I stand in need immediately, as matériel for the work in which I am engaged, of the Life of James Hardy Vaus, &---of Vidocq, being No. 13, & Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28 of the Autobiography, first published by John Hunt, now by Whitaker..." Each letter with typed transcript. (Milne) (4)

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 328
New York, Park Avenue
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