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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 298

Two Letters by the Fourth Slonim Rebbe, Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg

0 $
1.353 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 298

Two Letters by the Fourth Slonim Rebbe, Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg

0 $
1.353 $

Two letters by the fourth Slonim Rebbe, Rebbe Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg. Baranovich, 1930s. The letters are about immigration certificates to Eretz -Yisrael, for the "Torat Chesed" yeshiva students. Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg (1913-1943), was the only son and successor of his father the rebbe, author of "Beit Avraham". Although appointed as rebbe at the young age of 20, he was considered a foremost Chassidic leader in Poland. During the Holocaust, he suffered greatly but always mentioned that written in the Holy Zohar is that G-d colors His clothing with the blood of those who die in sanctification of His Name… Was killed by the Nazis on the 6th of Cheshvan 5704 [1944]. Official stationary of the Slonim yeshiva, "Torat Chesed" in Baranovitz. Postcard with the yeshiva logo. Various sizes and conditions.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 298
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048

Two letters by the fourth Slonim Rebbe, Rebbe Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg. Baranovich, 1930s. The letters are about immigration certificates to Eretz -Yisrael, for the "Torat Chesed" yeshiva students. Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg (1913-1943), was the only son and successor of his father the rebbe, author of "Beit Avraham". Although appointed as rebbe at the young age of 20, he was considered a foremost Chassidic leader in Poland. During the Holocaust, he suffered greatly but always mentioned that written in the Holy Zohar is that G-d colors His clothing with the blood of those who die in sanctification of His Name… Was killed by the Nazis on the 6th of Cheshvan 5704 [1944]. Official stationary of the Slonim yeshiva, "Torat Chesed" in Baranovitz. Postcard with the yeshiva logo. Various sizes and conditions.

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 298
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048
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