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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 122

WOLFE, JAMES, Major General, British Army . Autograph letter signed ("Jam:Wolfe"), to Captain John Parr, Black-Heath, 27 July 1757. 1 page, 4to . Due to his youth, Wolfe was several times passed over for promotion. At the time of this note, he was st...

Auction 05.12.1997
4.000 $ - 6.000 $
3.450 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 122

WOLFE, JAMES, Major General, British Army . Autograph letter signed ("Jam:Wolfe"), to Captain John Parr, Black-Heath, 27 July 1757. 1 page, 4to . Due to his youth, Wolfe was several times passed over for promotion. At the time of this note, he was st...

Auction 05.12.1997
4.000 $ - 6.000 $
3.450 $

WOLFE, JAMES, Major General, British Army . Autograph letter signed ("Jam:Wolfe"), to Captain John Parr, Black-Heath, 27 July 1757. 1 page, 4to . Due to his youth, Wolfe was several times passed over for promotion. At the time of this note, he was still in his late twenties, but would be brevetted Colonel a few months later. Just two years later, in September 1759, on the Plains of Abraham outside Quebec, Wolfe routed the French Army under Montcalm, completing the British conquest of North America, but was mortally wounded during the battle. The general writes to a fellow officer: "Your kind congratulations are a little beside the mark, altho' I thank you for 'em. The Colonelcy was pressed w[it]h. much force by the Duke of Bedford; but His Royal Highness objected on the score of age & in consequence the Irish appointment is shorn of much of its charm, at least in my eyes. But there is something in the wind which may soften the blow. I cannot speak more particularly at present; but do not be astonished to hear that both our battalions will be involved. Mine certainly. However, you will have tidings from the right quarter in a few days. Meanwhile, I am ever...Your faithfull & Affect Servant." [ With :] MONTCALM, LOUIS JOSEPH, Marquis de. Manuscript document signed ("Montcalm"), Saint Remy, 20 October 1748. 1 page, 4to . Montcalm gives his approval to an authorization for Leonine Joseph Louette, a member of the Chevriere Company, to enter the Royal Hospital for Disabled Soliders. Montcalm (1712-1759) had a distinguished military career before he was named commander of all French forces in America. He captured Fort Oswego in 1756, Fort William Henry (1757), drove off a British force under Abercrombie at Fort Ticonderoga (1758) but finally met defeat at Quebec. HLike his British counterpart, Wolfe, Montcalm fell, mortally wounded, on the plains of Abraham. Together two items, in a protective burgundy half morocco slip slipcase .

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 122
New York, Park Avenue

WOLFE, JAMES, Major General, British Army . Autograph letter signed ("Jam:Wolfe"), to Captain John Parr, Black-Heath, 27 July 1757. 1 page, 4to . Due to his youth, Wolfe was several times passed over for promotion. At the time of this note, he was still in his late twenties, but would be brevetted Colonel a few months later. Just two years later, in September 1759, on the Plains of Abraham outside Quebec, Wolfe routed the French Army under Montcalm, completing the British conquest of North America, but was mortally wounded during the battle. The general writes to a fellow officer: "Your kind congratulations are a little beside the mark, altho' I thank you for 'em. The Colonelcy was pressed w[it]h. much force by the Duke of Bedford; but His Royal Highness objected on the score of age & in consequence the Irish appointment is shorn of much of its charm, at least in my eyes. But there is something in the wind which may soften the blow. I cannot speak more particularly at present; but do not be astonished to hear that both our battalions will be involved. Mine certainly. However, you will have tidings from the right quarter in a few days. Meanwhile, I am ever...Your faithfull & Affect Servant." [ With :] MONTCALM, LOUIS JOSEPH, Marquis de. Manuscript document signed ("Montcalm"), Saint Remy, 20 October 1748. 1 page, 4to . Montcalm gives his approval to an authorization for Leonine Joseph Louette, a member of the Chevriere Company, to enter the Royal Hospital for Disabled Soliders. Montcalm (1712-1759) had a distinguished military career before he was named commander of all French forces in America. He captured Fort Oswego in 1756, Fort William Henry (1757), drove off a British force under Abercrombie at Fort Ticonderoga (1758) but finally met defeat at Quebec. HLike his British counterpart, Wolfe, Montcalm fell, mortally wounded, on the plains of Abraham. Together two items, in a protective burgundy half morocco slip slipcase .

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 122
New York, Park Avenue
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