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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 246

Bound volume of tracts issued by the Loyal Publication Society of New York

1.200 $ - 1.800 $
n. a.
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 246

Bound volume of tracts issued by the Loyal Publication Society of New York

1.200 $ - 1.800 $
n. a.

Title: Bound volume of tracts issued by the Loyal Publication Society of New York Author: Place: New York Publisher: Loyal Publication Society Date: 1863-4 Description: Tracts 1 through 71, lacking numbers 19, 31, 41, 43, 44, 51, 52, 53, 55, 58, 59, 62, 64 Parts 1 & 2, 70. Bound with three additional tracts: "Sights and Notes By a Looker On In Vienna." Seventh Edition. Washington, 1864; Jay, John. "The Great Issue." NY, 1864; [Hudson, Charles]. "Character of Abraham Lincoln, and the Constitutionality of His Emancipation Policy." [N.p., 1863]. Also, two small illustrated broadsides: "The Penninsular Comapaign" and "The Meeting of the Friends, City Hall Park." Bound in a single octavo volume, 21.5x14.5 cm (8½x5¾") period half morocco and marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt. Scarce in such number as found in this period assemblage. The Loyal Publication Society was founded in 1863, during a time when the Union Army had suffered many reverses in the Civil War. The purpose of the society was to bolster public support for the Union effort, by disseminating pro-Union news articles and editorials to newspapers around the country. There were two such societies: the Loyal Publication Society of New York and the Boston-based New England Loyal Publication Society, both founded in early 1863. These two organizations were similar to the Union Leagues that cropped up throughout the North, in that they provided civilians an opportunity to support the war effort. The Union League of Philadelphia was also involved in the development of pro-Union publications. The founders and members represented the literary and financial elite of Boston and New York. In New York, they included such luminaries as Charles King president of Columbia University, Sinclair Tousey, president of the American News Company, the publisher George Palmer Putnam, the German-born academic Francis Lieber, and the future vice-president of the United States Levi P. Morton. In Boston, the members included Charles Eliot Norton, the Harvard Professor and prominent cultural critic, John Murray Forbes, a railroad magnate, and James Bradley Thayer, who was to become one of the country's foremost legal scholars. In their first months, these groups would share the responsibility of reading newspapers to identify particularly useful articles and editorials. They would then contact the editors—before the type had been broken up—and request that additional copies of that particular item be printed. These items would then be distributed to Union soldiers or to newspapers. As the war progressed, the societies began to write and publish their own broadsides, which included contributions from well-known persons such as Robert Dale Owen. Lot Amendments Condition: Front cover detached, some extremity wear; very good. Item number: 251929

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 246
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664

Title: Bound volume of tracts issued by the Loyal Publication Society of New York Author: Place: New York Publisher: Loyal Publication Society Date: 1863-4 Description: Tracts 1 through 71, lacking numbers 19, 31, 41, 43, 44, 51, 52, 53, 55, 58, 59, 62, 64 Parts 1 & 2, 70. Bound with three additional tracts: "Sights and Notes By a Looker On In Vienna." Seventh Edition. Washington, 1864; Jay, John. "The Great Issue." NY, 1864; [Hudson, Charles]. "Character of Abraham Lincoln, and the Constitutionality of His Emancipation Policy." [N.p., 1863]. Also, two small illustrated broadsides: "The Penninsular Comapaign" and "The Meeting of the Friends, City Hall Park." Bound in a single octavo volume, 21.5x14.5 cm (8½x5¾") period half morocco and marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt. Scarce in such number as found in this period assemblage. The Loyal Publication Society was founded in 1863, during a time when the Union Army had suffered many reverses in the Civil War. The purpose of the society was to bolster public support for the Union effort, by disseminating pro-Union news articles and editorials to newspapers around the country. There were two such societies: the Loyal Publication Society of New York and the Boston-based New England Loyal Publication Society, both founded in early 1863. These two organizations were similar to the Union Leagues that cropped up throughout the North, in that they provided civilians an opportunity to support the war effort. The Union League of Philadelphia was also involved in the development of pro-Union publications. The founders and members represented the literary and financial elite of Boston and New York. In New York, they included such luminaries as Charles King president of Columbia University, Sinclair Tousey, president of the American News Company, the publisher George Palmer Putnam, the German-born academic Francis Lieber, and the future vice-president of the United States Levi P. Morton. In Boston, the members included Charles Eliot Norton, the Harvard Professor and prominent cultural critic, John Murray Forbes, a railroad magnate, and James Bradley Thayer, who was to become one of the country's foremost legal scholars. In their first months, these groups would share the responsibility of reading newspapers to identify particularly useful articles and editorials. They would then contact the editors—before the type had been broken up—and request that additional copies of that particular item be printed. These items would then be distributed to Union soldiers or to newspapers. As the war progressed, the societies began to write and publish their own broadsides, which included contributions from well-known persons such as Robert Dale Owen. Lot Amendments Condition: Front cover detached, some extremity wear; very good. Item number: 251929

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 246
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664
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